Chapter 43: Maximum Idiocy!

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3rd POV:

Izuku was on patrol late in the morning and he noticed something very odd which was disturbing him. Even Eraserhead felt it was a bit odd as well and you might be wondering why were they unsettled? Well, the answer was the fact that there were no low-ranked criminals running around on the streets that night which was concerning and odd at the same time. It's not uncommon to find nearly none on the street but there is still some crime going on here and there as the night goes on but even on HeroNet there were no crimes being reported around any of the local cities. It was as if someone was suppressing the criminals that were out and about which is possible since there have been rumors of All Might staying in the city for the foreseeable future but it should actually be increasing the crimes at night instead of stopping them like most would think.

Sadly, they had nothing that could answer their questions so their patrol came to an end with nothing really being done. Izuku had woke up in the early morning as he dragged himself out of his sleeping bag in the living room since he tends not to move upstairs since his room was near his mothers on the nights he patrols so he doesn't risk disturbing her even though she tells him to go to his own bed but he doesn't. Anyway, Izuku dragged himself out of his bag and made some coffee before looking at the clock and knowing it was time to get heading to the school which made him groan.

Even though the patrol was lackluster it was still a long one that he had done so he was extra tired. Izuku also knew that the 1-A class would be having their first combat lesson today as well and 1-B would be having it later in the week as 1-A typically would do theirs first since they were the first class though it didn't really matter in a sense. Izuku had met the students from 1-B that Vlad King was teaching the day before as they had done their quirk apprehension test without the threat of expulsion weight over their heads. There was a, let's say unique student in 1-B that had an ego in Izuku's opinion which was most likely caused by inferiority complexes. The student's name was Neito Monoma who was saying things like they would prove they were better than 1-A which Izuku rolled his eyes at.

"My dear Kouhai (Junior member), you are not better than them nor are they better than you. You are all first-years who can die quite easily as you are all unskilled." Izuku said as the boy froze as he came out of the tree he had been hiding in. "Ah, Kitsune. I see you are still around, I'm surprised you are sleeping since you got patrol tonight with Eraserhead." Vlad King said and Izuku shrugged. "I wanted to get a baseline for all the first-years so I can work on my notes about them all. I will likely sleep after your class is done which should still give me the energy I need to do patrol tonight." Izuku said as he leaned against the tree that he came out of. Students asked who he was and Izuku introduced himself, "I am the Provisional Pro Hero Kitsune the sole student of 3-A who survived Eraserhead aka Aizawa-sensei expelling everyone else. If you ever see me around and want some help on training then feel free to ask me since I no longer have education classes since I tested out of all of them so I spend my time doing hero work or just training at the school." Izuku said and they all nodded their heads and the class continued forward. 

Now back to the second day of UA! Izuku knew it was stupid to leave All Might alone for his first training session so he was hiding in the vents above the control room watching as all of the students were now entering the room. Izuku looked at their outfits and rolled his eyes at some of them since they were just horrible for some of them as one student was most likely completely naked which he would need to have fixed since there is a thing called DNA fiber outfits! A few others could use the DNA-infused outfits as well but he would get to it later when he gave notes to Aizawa who was in the teacher's lounge sleeping since Izuku agreed to watch All Might. Aizawa had given Izuku express permission to intervene in the class if something was stupidly going on that he thought should be stopped to All Might was acting in an idiotic way that had crossed a line. Nezu had texted Izuku that he had permission from him as well to take control of the class as well since he trusted Izuku to know when to get involved and what threats to give out if things went south.

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