Chapter 23: Provisional License Exam!

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3rd POV:

Izuku had quickly done the check-in though it wasn't with a normal check-in person as Mera processed the paperwork for Izuku to help hide the fact he was quirkless like it was agreed upon in the meeting since every side needed to place nice with each other or else the agreement was going to come tumbling down as the commission really didn't see Izuku worth fighting Nezu over especially with they had benefited from gaining Izuku as a Pro Hero due to his other alias as Tea Leaves though it still doesn't mean the commission likes the fact that Izuku is a personal student of Nezu, they just accept it and put up with Nezu's games.

Moving forward, it was now time for the provisional exam itself to start as Izuku had made his way into the testing site and saw a lot of people crammed together into one large room. After a bit, Mera showed up on the stage and started to speak about how they would be starting the exam in a few moments before they needed to spread out for the first stage. As the walls around them fell, Izuku could see the second-years from UA off to his side and he knew better than to join up with them since Aizawa had warned him about the efforts of the other schools to crush UA students out first.

As such, Izuku headed off in a completely separate direction and prepare himself. In this first section of the Provisional Exam, you had to hit a target that was placed on the opposing sides chest, sides, or back. Overall, the exam was a standard one that they do almost every single year with some changes here and there but overall not many changes. This year they didn't get anything to help them hit the targets. This was fine for Izuku since he was a close combat fighter as well as a long-distance once as well since he had knives and other things. As he waited for the time to go off for it to start, he could hear some people near him since he slowed his heart rate down and listened for sounds.

'Interesting seems I can get a few people right away.' Izuku thought as he saw slowly moved towards those people right as the timer started. As Izuku approached his eyes to widen as he realized who the individuals were! It turns out two of the people were from a lower-ranked hero school but it wasn't the school he recognized or was startled at for a second. No, it was the fact that these two individuals were older by a year and were from Izuku's old school. The biggest thing about them is the fact these two were some of his bullies that had suicide baited him before he had gotten pulled out of the school and spent over a year self-studying and everything at an online school! 'Oh this just got good!' Izuku thought as he silently approached the two individuals since he wanted to take them out completely since he was betting this was their second attempt to get their Provisional Licenses as most doing this exam in the later of the year were second years who failed their first attempt!

Izuku wasn't going to waste such a perfect opportunity to get some sweet innocent karma justice by ensuring they had to wait an entire semester again to apply for the exam which was risky since schools would start getting annoyed if you fail it too many times. Izuku was within feet of them before one turned around at the sound of a rock falling but by then it was too late as Izuku strike both of their backs targets and one each on their side. The two individuals cursed out and moved away from Izuku who threw his metal wire on one and pulled the guy towards him.

'This guy had a quirk that allowed him to sent sonic waves at things. He used it to trip me up all of the time as it caused balance issues.' Izuku thought as he hit the last two targets since the individual couldn't break free. Izuku threw this individual off to the side and let him out of the wires as he focused back on the other individual. Izuku didn't need to worry about him anymore since you were fully out if all of your targets got hit before you hit the required number of passing 'kills' in the first stage which was four people.

The second individual screamed out and threw his attacks out which were static shocks. "Now it isn't nice to shock someone," Izuku said with his modified voice under the mask which had been added recently to slightly change his voice at his will with a small rotating mark on his mask. This was to help cover up his identity out in the field if people couldn't pick one single voice to place with his mask which would confuse people all of the time. 'Got to love power-loader and his inventions.' Izuku thought as he didn't dare using the metal wire on the second individual in fear of getting a shock through the wires. Instead, he threw a smoke bomb down on the ground and around the other guy and used his training that Vagabond had been doing over the summer with him.

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