Chapter 44: Kacchan & Questions

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3rd POV:

Izuku arrived at his house as he entered it and heard his mother welcome him home but she froze when she saw who was behind her son. "Katsuki! Dear, have you met Kitsune!?" Inko said as she just tried to play off the fact that she called Kitsune her son. "He knows, I told him as he apologized to me without knowing it was me as he talked to me about an incident today at school," Izuku said as he took his mask off and hair covering. "Ah, I see. I'll get some dinner made since you leave for patrol soon." Inko said as she stepped into the kitchen area that was near the living room and had a clear view. Both boys sat down as Izuku told Kacchan to ask whatever questions he wanted and he would answer if he could do so legally.

"How... how did you pull it off?" Kacchan asked as he was dumbfounded and Izuku chuckled. "About a year before I cut you out of my life I met my now grandfather Seth Rowling who is a Pro Hero but just not any Pro Hero either. Do you know who Vagabond is?" Izuku asked and Kacchan's eyes widen in shock and understanding. "I see you are still a nerd of heroes like I have been but yes the man that held the number one position even longer than All Might took me in as his personal protege and started to teach me everything he knew. He liked the courage and determination I had when I talked about what I wanted to do and withstood his pressure he put off like how All Might can make people feel afraid if he releases his anger or something on villains. So I ended up training under him since that day as he prepared me for the UA entrance exam." Izuku said and Bakugo nodded his head in understanding of when Izuku had started his training. Bakugo then asked what all training Izuku had and if his class really did get expelled outside of him.

Izuku laughed at the second question that he just had asked and nodded his head and confirmed he was the sole student of 3-A anymore. "I trained in everything really possible in combats and tools that Vagabond knew how to do use. He also taught me how to fight in the dark or in a room of complete blackness which takes years to train in. The rest of my training came from Eraserhead, your homeroom teacher. This is because I am going underground heroics so he taught me how to become an underground pro hero which in both of our views is far more brutal than the limelight." Izuku said and Kacchan was confused on how that was so Izuku explained the differences between the two and how at night it's more about organized crimes and more nasty villains.

"There is a reason underground heroes hide their identities since the villains at night are far likelier to come for revenge if they ever get free. It's part of the reason I bought mom the house." Izuku said and then explained why limelight heroes earn more money due to merchandise instead of actual work being done but underground make it up with side work which Izuku said he uses his analysis to help other heroes and earns a lot of money for cases he does. They then talked about how Izuku was the personal student of Nezu and what that meant which Izuku saw Kacchan shiver at the thought of being trapped inside of a locked room with little breathing air due to it flooding if you got the puzzle wrong. Izuku just chuckled at that and then Kacchan asked how easy it was to get the provisional license since he was sure the commission likely had issues which Izuku nodded his head.

"Yea they did but through manipulation, deal-making, and some threats I was able to get them to agree to allow me to do my exam and be a hero in general. Though they have changed their tune and approve of me fully now as I've long shown that a quirkless person could do the job as I even have a signed letter from the commission's President saying I was able to perform the duty of a hero regardless of my quirk status." Izuku said as he grabbed the framed letter and showed Kacchan who was shocked at seeing it. Izuku did remind Kacchan that he needed to keep quiet about Izuku being quirkless which he was asked why.

"Not everyone is okay with it as you have seen in life. I am really hoping to graduate before the general public finds out though UA is suspecting someone will figure it out this year most likely. it's fine in the end if it does get out but I am trying to delay it so they can't have more power to screw with me as the public would still have an issue with it and even some heroes sadly. Though, I have a good track record that proves I am capable of doing my job so I am just trying to make it longer as if I was ranked based on cases and everything with zero public support in my rank then I would be around rank 70 or so due to everything I've done though past that point the popularity issue comes into play which I don't need to worry about since I am going underground." Izuku said but always loved knowing how his work compared to other heroes as he was surely capable of doing the exact same job without a quirk and his record proves it as he has never had a failed mission or one deemed as such. He also did a lot of casework for other heroes even though they don't know he was quirkless which he expects to take a hit if they did find out so he was saving as much money as he could.

"All UA staff knows I am quirkless but All Might. You will find I am only called Kitsune at school unless I am out of my gear which is rare! All Might won't be informed since he is a new staff member and my files are locked at the school and at the commission like any other underground hero. Hitoshi Shinso does know I am quirkless since he is a friend of mine and I helped him train a bit when I could during my busy schedule." Izuku said as his mother had already finished the food and they were now sitting at the dinner table eating. Kacchan nodded his head and asked if his parents knew which Izuku said they didn't since Izuku didn't know their views on quirkless people trying to go into heroics. 

"I even avoided the home and went to Dad's house when your family was here to avoid questions," Izuku said and Kacchan froze as he asked if Uncle was back in the country which made Izuku frown a bit. "Nah, that bastard is long gone. He stopped contacting us since I was quirkless so he isn't around anymore and mom served him divorce papers but never got a response so the courts granted it since she made a good faith effort." Izuku said as he explained the situation with Hisashi Midoriya which confused Kacchan on who Izuku was calling dad then which made Izuku smile with a huge grin. "Why of course none other than Eraserhead after all! He is Dadzawa now and has been since my first year. If you have the courage to risk getting punished you can ask him why he is called Dadzawa and if he asks who told you then tell him Present Mic said it so I can watch the chaos unfold!" Izuku said as he chuckled with some glee as his mother said he was laughing like Nezu again which made him stop and apologize as his mother found it really creepy and scary that he laughed like Nezu since the creature terrified his own staff and even her.

Soon they talked about more things and the conversations slowly changed to different things as it was time for Kacchan to leave and Izuku to go to sleep before he had patrol in a few hours so he needed any sleep he could get. They all said their goodbyes as Izuku got into his sleeping bag on one of the couches and laid down. His mother walked back into the room and asked if he was okay with Katauski learning the truth of everything and Izuku nodded his head. "It would happen sooner or later but I am glad it happened on a good note and the relationship had begun to be repaired and started again," Izuku said as he closed his eyes and she wished him a good sleep.

A few hours sadly passed for Izuku to his pain as it was now time for the patrol. As Izuku joined up with Eraserhead that night and going into the early morning they once again THERE WEREN'T THAT MANY VILLAINS AROUND! There was only a handful who had no clues on why the others weren't around but one man did have an answer as he said some group was gathering a large group of villains but he didn't know anything since he didn't want to get involved as he was only a drug user who was living on the streets after his life went to shit. The man was taken to a homeless shelter since he indeed didn't have any active warrants or crimes on his name so he was free to go since he was only caught doing drugs which neither of the underground heroes wanted to jam him up for as he had given them information on what was going on.

Neither of them liked what was going on but they didn't have anything else to go on in regards to what was happening. Izuku said he would spend the next few days during school looking through cameras since such a difference of villains with confirmation that they were gathering did give him legal grounds of people being in danger. This allowed him to hack into the cameras but on the first day, he started to do it when he got to school the next day the alarms went off indicating someone had broken into the school! 

*Note* With this published I've caught up to what I've written so far so updates are going to be slightly slower but I still plan at least one or two chapters maybe a day or more if I get on a roll.

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