Chapter 38: One Year Left!

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3rd Pov: 

It took Aizawa a bit of work but he was able to get back into shape and back to duty as he had recovered after a few months had passed as the second semester had started as well. There was roughly now one year left before Izuku would start his third and final year at UA High School and graduate to become an Underground Pro Hero! Aizawa didn't have to take a leave of absence from the school since he had luckily only had Izuku as his student so he didn't need to deal with teaching other children and only focused on his recovery while Izuku did night patrols by himself since the area around UA was a bit less chaotic all of the time and he would sometimes venture into other cities with higher crime rates as well but would warn Aizawa and Nezu so if something happened they could get him back up as he was still a provisional hero even though they had complete faith and trust in Izuku's skills which he had shown in the past but even more so in how effective he was in the trigger raid case.

The commission had to the surprise of everyone in the knowledge of Izuku's quirk statues had actually thanked him for his involvement in the case. They had believed the case would have taken a few weeks but since Izuku had figured out a search area on day one they had located the main drug center so quickly that the government had to admit to Izuku that he had indeed long proven his capabilities. Izuku also had this in writing which meant so fucking much to him that he had a signed statement that they acknowledge his skills due to his record that he had gained through his hard work. They didn't directly use the word quirkless in the statement but it did make mention of his quirk status which meant that if he was ever revealed to be quirkless was a good as the statement saying quirkless regardless!

Izuku was so proud of himself since this meant he was fighting the stigma that quirkless people couldn't do it. He would admit that a typical quirkless person couldn't do the hero job but neither could the typical quirked individual because if you didn't put a sure amount of determination and training into it then you were going to end up dead but that didn't matter to Izuku since he only cared that the barriers themselves were broken down for others in the future even if quirkless people were becoming rarer and rarer. He wanted it to be known before quirkless people were no longer around that a quirkless person had done it even though everyone else said he couldn't!

Outside of this news, which Izuku had a copy of the letter framed in his home and a picture of it on his phone, there was roughly less than one year left before Izuku would be entering the third year of UA but that isn't the biggest and most important thing that was going on right now. No, there was an issue going on due to the fact that there was an explosion from down in the market area that Izuku was heading towards. Luckily for Izuku he always keeps his Hero outfit mask on him in addition to his katana Izanagi, the metal wires, and his shock gloves.

As such, he headed towards the incident to see what was going on and if he needed to jump in to help if there weren't any heroes on sight. As he arrived he found many things going on, civilians being far too close to the fight, a hostage situation, heroes doing really nothing, backdraft trying his best but could do better likely, and a stupid ass comment from a Pro Hero on site who had more experience than Izuku but apparently not more skills or intelligence than Izuku. Though, not many people can beat him in those categories since he is a Nezu version of Aizawa which is a dangerous combination for really anyone in his mind.

Now back to the stupid ass comment that Izuku heard from the Pro Hero known as Death Arms. Izuku heard the hero say that they needed to wait for someone with a better-suited quirk which Izuku took as an invitation to get involved since well he was better suited clearly and well quirk... was an open-ended thing in his mind so Izuku decided to get involved! Anyway, the reason they were stupid is that there were multiple ways for them to have stopped the villain.

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