Chapter 14: Sports Festival!

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It was now time for the Sports Festival that UA held each year! However, Izuku was downright nervous because he realized that he had to give the speech as the student body representative which meant people would know he was still in the hero course and he would be showing his face as well! As such, Izuku had made his way to Nezu's office the day that he realized the sports festival was coming up and asked for help in figuring the matter out as he didn't care if he had to waste his damn favor he was owed by Nezu who kept saying that anything Izuku asked didn't count for it. Izuku by this point believed Nezu was doing it just to keep Izuku invested in trying to come to him for help when he wanted to use the so-called favor so Nezu would have fun since Izuku tended to ask for interesting things.

"NEZU-SENSEI HELP ME!" Izuku said as he came into the office and removed his mask as he sat on the couch with a pout. Nezu chuckled and came over to give tea. "I suppose you remember you won first place and the sports festival is approaching?" Nezu asked and Izuku nodded his head as he sipped on the tea. "Yea, I don't want to give the speech since it means revealing myself as everyone would be focused on me on the stand! Also, can I throw myself out in the first round so I don't need to fight later on since people would realize I am a first-year even though I am trying to hide?" Izuku asked and Nezu chuckled a bit more and told Izuku could if he wanted to but did offer Izuku a chance at fighting. "We can have the runner up in the written exam give the speech since people don't really know about who places where. We can also just say we are starting a new tradition to help build relations between classes and are testing it out as the second place in the written exam is in the support department this year." Nezu said and Izuku thanked him. 

"Now, in regards to fighting, we can have you wear a medical mask, dye your hair, and do some hero grade makeup to change some of your features. This way you could participate under a random name as it doesn't matter what internship offers you receive as you will be doing one under Eraserhead or another underground hero we contact on your behalf since going with the limelight won't help you as you need to field experience as an underground, not limelight." Nezu said and Izuku thanked him for the help in hiding and covering up his identity. 

"I feel like we are playing a game of being spies or something as I am going under a secret identity... well! I can use this as some training to take a cover story since underground heroes do tend to do undercover assignments as well!" Izuku said and Nezu smirked at Izuku's idea and agreed with it as well. This indeed would be an interesting way to allow Izuku to gain more experience in something like that. Soon they started to make plans on what type of personality that Izuku would be taking on and what the name he was going to be using during the sports festival for people to be told. Soon they came to a conclusion and Izuku was happy with the overall plan!

Soon the next week passed and it was time for the sports festival to start! All of the students gathered for the sports festival and were lead to the stadium. Nezu did make some quick changes to help Izuku out as all of the general studies were going to be coming out together and Izuku was slipped into the general education waiting room as the general education was put together inside one large waiting room instead of individual rooms like the hero course students or bigger rooms with support benches that the support department uses to maintain their gear during rounds. This results in Izuku aka Akitani Mikumo not being discovered of being out of place as everyone wouldn't know each other with such a large group as there were multiple general education classes! Izuku was so glad to be the personal student of Nezu since it paid off so well for things like this! 'Connections equal power!' Izuku thought as he enjoyed being Nezu's personal student even though Nezu can go off the deep end sometimes like the escape room game that freaked the staff out when they learned about it.

Soon everyone was called out to the field and people noticed there was no 1-A being called out which only fueled the rumors that have been going around that there was no longer a class 1-A. Izuku smirked at this fact as he could hear all the students near him speak about it. Soon Snipe came on the stage as he was going to be this year's host for the first-year students. "Welcome everyone to the first-year sports festival! First up we have the speech which we decided to have a person from general education do this year as we want to build bonds between all classes!" Snipe said as a name of a support department student was called up to the stand and they gave a speech. The speech was a bit lackluster but oh well! 

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