Chapter 13: Nezu's Game!

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3rd POV:

It had been a few weeks since the incident with the second-year student and some rumors about an unknown hero student going by the hero name of Kitsune had started to spread across the campus which Izuku was enjoying as he would avoid people most of the time and if he had a lesson with anyone else he made sure to wear his Kitsune Mask and hair covering until he was completely clear of anyone else to remove it. This was also how the rumors of Kitsune being a cryptid started to spread around the campus as Izuku had discovered the second way to enter the private study where he was having his homeroom classes at.

As he started inside of the homeroom he discovered that the vent in the room was at a good height that even Nezu could exit and still get back into so Izuku decided to check it out and was surprised to see that the vents were tall enough for him to travel through by army crawling or on his knees and hands as it was tall enough for Nezu to stand fully up with a bit of excess room. Izuku did notice that some of the vents that split off the vent he was in got smaller depending on where they went while others stayed the same size. He also noticed that the main vent tended to go towards the more important places throughout the campus building which explains how Nezu would appear in places so quickly. 'He must have material that silences he steps like Aizawa and I do on our hero outfits.' Izuku thought as with Nezu's size and support shoes it would be hard to hear Nezu moving through the vents so no one would notice if he traveled quickly through them.

Izuku did decide to have a bit of fun one day though when he was on his lunch break as he went to the vent area that was over the staff room and dropped some notes into the room without anyone seeing. Present Mic walked in and picked the note up before looking confused as the note said a simple message of, "I see you!" but nothing else. Izuku knew it wouldn't have much impact but it was called psychological warfare for a reason because he was going for the long-term effects of making them freaked out at finding notes at random without knowing who did it!

Izuku would over the next few days leave another note for a few teachers on their desks by throwing it out of the vent or on their podium in their classrooms. Now you might ask how Izuku could do it while he was meant to be in class and that is true but Nezu approved of it as he knew Izuku had accessed the vents since he had to swipe his ID card on the scanner inside the vents right outside of Nezu's private library. There weren't such scanners at the other points of entry but Izuku saw scanners in the vents near any entry points that would scan Izuku to see if he was meant to be in there which Nezu had added him to the system of course. Nezu would never allow such a security hole to exist without protections so only he and Izuku had access to vents on preapproval. Others would trigger the silent alarm if they entered the vents which would alert Nezu and the school of an intruder in the area that it went off.

It had been about a few weeks since Iuzku had started his psychological warfare as he wanted to see how long it would take them to figure it out. Ironically it was none other than Eraserhead who figured it out as he realized it always happened whenever Izuku would be out of his sights which lead to Eraserhead calling him out on it but not to stop him but to direct it towards students since the teachers needed to work and focus which Izuku accepted. 

This was really how the whole cryptid thing started as it got closer to the time for the sports festival as Izuku would drop short analysis of people's quirks for them. Some ignore it while others accepted it. Though no one knew where the papers were coming from as Izuku wouldn't stick around if he left a note by coming out of the vents to leave it in their classroom. There were times that he got brave enough to exit the vent while a class was in session if the vent was in a good position such as the back of the room. Aizawa had Izuku treat it as training since it really was for him as he needed skills like this to sneak into villain bases to gather information and not get caught! 

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