Chapter 29: Izuku's Second Year Start!

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3rd POV:

The next year of Izuku's high school career had arrived but first, it was time for the entrance exams of UA to start first as Izuku was asked to help the staff around since he was trusted by everyone to keep information such as students files a secret. As such, during the early morning, Izuku could be found standing outside in his hero outfit checking students in once they came up to him. As he checked people in he noticed two individuals walking together though he remembered one said individual as a Mirio Togata. 

The two boys came up to Izuku to check in and Izuku could see clearly that they were polar opposites on the social interaction scale as he finished checking them in. He saw both of them were applying for the hero course exam which made sense due to it being the most popular one. 'Though I wonder if Togata learned to use his quirk or did he fail to put effort into it?' Izuku thought as he wanted to watch to see if the boy took the advice he gave and ran with it or did he waste a full year's worth of training before coming to UA. Soon the remaining time for check-in passed and it was time for the written exams to start up so Izuku headed inside of the building towards Nezu's office since he knew the Principal didn't do much during the written exam portion besides preparing things for the start of the year or finish anything up to about the recommendation exams.

Izuku did go to that exam as well but he didn't see anything interesting about the incoming freshmen that caught his attention for the recommendation students. Most of them seemed typical people that were arrogant with their powers. Izuku was honestly betting that someone from the recommendation students would end up annoying Aizawa and get expelled even though he wasn't their teacher. The man did have expulsion permissions across the entire school with only Nezu being able to overrule him or the school board if Nezu didn't overrule Aizawa.

Anyway, back to the exam itself as Izuku arrived in Nezu's office where he found the principal enjoying some of his tea. Izuku walked up and made him some as well before sitting down. "Anyone stand out to you Nezu-sensei?" Izuku asked and Nezu sighed and shook his head. "So far no one is standing out via their applications nor did the recommendation students seem all that interesting. Of course, they were a bit unique and special but nothing I would investing any of my personal time as I did with you. Anyone catch your eye when you were checking people in?" Nezu asked and Izuku thought back to Mirio Togata as he nodded his head a bit.

"Not really interesting per se but they have met me before though they don't know I am Kitsune or even attend this school. Mirio Togata is an individual and he has a friend with him who is the polar opposite on personality traits. The only reason he seems somewhat interesting is because of his quirk which is a powerful quirk but back then he didn't figure a way out to master it so I gave him some hints because he saw his quirk as weak when it's a strong quirk just wasn't under control." Izuku said as he found the younger boy's file and showed it to Nezu who read the file as he nodded his head.

"I see what you mean. If he gets it under control then it truly is a powerful quirk as people couldn't really hide in buildings, bunkers, or other places from him since he would be able to get them. He could also avoid attacks as well if he has enough fine control. I see why you say he might think of it as a weak quirk when it's fundamentally not or at least in eyes such as myself or you. Others may say it's weak just from what they could see but if they understood the scientific reasons and implications then it's a very powerful quirk. Not powerful like All Might but powerful in its own right." Nezu said as he studied the boy's file but in the end, agreed with Izuku that there wasn't overall anything special about Mirio Togata that stood out. He was a sunshine boy that likely got laughed at a bit but didn't know the ugly side of the world.

That is the thing, isn't it? Izuku and Nezu both qualify people on their ability to make impacts, changes, how they see the world if they will change things or leave it as the status quo and they could see that Mirio Togata was most likely blind to the issues of the world and was apart of the fold unless he broke out. Nezu and Izuku weren't people that like sticking to the mold nor allowing the mold to stay around. No, they were the ones that wanted to take the hammer to the mold and break it all together as they laugh at the chaos they created.

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