Chapter 11: Second Day Start!

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3rd POV:

It was now the second day of UA and Izuku was currently walking towards the school as he was honestly quite happy with how things have been going. Izuku could still remember the surprise he caused Nezu-sensei and Aizawa-sensei! Izuku wondered what would be going on from now on since he would be having classes with Nezu in private since it was clear the chimera had no plans of ever letting go of Izuku due to his talent. Though Izuku was slightly wary since Vagabond did tell Izuku that no one really has managed to survive a full year under the creatures guiding hand since he would burn them all out mentally due to the sheer amount of work he put them through. Though that only made Izuku want to do it even more since he needed everything he could get his hands on to be successful in becoming a hero!

Izuku wouldn't be surprised to end up with a job offer in the future once he has some years under his belt in the field since Nezu had tried to hire him before he knew his real name. Izuku also couldn't wait to get into training with Aizawa-sensei who was an experience underground pro hero since Vagabond couldn't teach the underground aspects correctly since he didn't have that experience. Instead, the man could only prepare Izuku for it by creating a foundation of skills that Eraserhead would be able to grow Izuku off of since being stealthier was a thing that Vagabond could teach in addition to things like situational awareness which is a good skill to have even as a limelight hero for hostage situations or other tricky situations. 

Izuku arrived at the school and still was shocked each time he arrived at the school due to the size of the place. After making his way into the build he moved towards his homeroom class and arrived in 1-A to find Eraserhead sleeping on the floor in his sleeping bag. 'I wonder if this will be a normal thing.' Izuku thought and Eraserhead just lifted himself up and looked at Izuku as he spoke. "Yes, this will be normal for me. I do night patrols and then come teach here so I think you will be like me when we start having you do work studies in the future as well since you will need to be able to adjust to it. So don't judge me since you will be in the same state as me." Aizawa-sensei said and Izuku wondered he was speaking out loud but Aizawa was silent as he just pointed to the sole seat in the classroom that was in front of the podium. As such, Izuku had no idea if he muttered it all out or if his teacher just guessed his thoughts.

"Well, being the only student in the room is awkward since there is so much space open..." Izuku muttered and Aizawa just rolled his eyes as Izuku sat down. "Now, we've got a schedule made for you which isn't really a schedule at all in honestly," Aizawa said, and that confused Izuku until he saw a schedule projected on the board from the projector. It showed that Izuku would spend his mornings doing training with Eraserhead while all-time in the afternoon would be dedicated to having private lessons with Principal Nezu. There was, of course, the lunch break between the two but still, it was a straightforward schedule for the most part as it got him moving in the morning with physical work and then relaxing his body in the afternoon with working on the mind. Izuku liked it for now as Aizawa said it was open to being changed depending on everyone's schedule and if other teachers wanted to teach him something as well.

"Overall, if another teacher believes they have something to teach you then we will change to fit their schedule for whatever they want. You also do have some heroic lessons in the afternoons which I will tell you about whenever they come up." Aizawa said and Izuku nodded his head. Izuku was indeed interested in learning some things like using a whip from Midnight though he didn't plan to use one really at all. It was still good to have the said skill to use regardless of how much he may use it since it would be similar to the metal wires that he used.

"The first thing we will be doing is getting you into your hero outfit and having you test it out to see if you want anything adjusted or changed by the support department. They have also included everything you asked for as well." Aizawa said as he pressed a button and out came a silver suitcase with the number zero on it. Izuku wondered why zero was on it instead of seat 1 and Aizawa could see Izuku's confusion. "It's part of the plan to hide your existence as you want. unofficially, there is no class 1-A anymore as we have not indicated to anyone outside of the staff that there was anyone left in 1-A. Instead, everything of yours is being kept quiet as only the staff knows you are still around and if we have to we will say you are an extra student in 1-B when in fact you are the sole student of 1-A. Even the support department students that worked on your outfit think you're in 1-B and we've leaked some rumors that are spreading out now. Those rumors are that there is no one left in this class and after today you won't be showing up here anymore regardless as Nezu has a separate place you will meet moving forward for homeroom to help with this plan." Aizawa-sensei said and Izuku nodded his head. He was glad that UA was helping him go under the radar as he wanted it to last as long as he could so he could grow stronger. Some might think UA would be trying to hide Izuku because they are ashamed of him but that isn't true since Izuku wants to stay hidden and this is working out far better than he could hope for!

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