Chapter 34: Kitsune Verus Pro Hero's

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3rd POV:

Izuku checked over his gear and made sure to have everything he needed before he walked into the gates as the setup of the battle was similar to how they started for his final exam in his first semester with all four teachers being inside of the training grounds first before he would enter since it is standard for a villain to be on site before the incoming hero arrived as that was normal and logical. The villains would be doing their evil deeds while the hero was coming in to stop them and as such, Izuku was prepared to try and do far better than he did during his first semester since he had an entire year of additional training and techniques trained into him by Vagabond, Aizawa, Nezu, and the rest of the staff at UA who have taken him in for different pieces of training they thought he could use from them.

For example, Midnight taught Izuku how to use her whip but also fans but not the ones she uses to spread her quirk. No, these were war fan type weapons that she taught Izuku to use and he enjoyed using them but felt they didn't fit his style overall so he didn't carry a set on him but he at least did know how to use them if he ever found on in the field and it became his main weapon in battle. Other heroes like snipe taught Izuku more usage of different guns even though Izuku doubted he would hardly use them outside of using a pistol most likely. Other than that the other teachers taught him some tricks they used in combat and things to distract enemies while fighting. Izuku also learned how to use brass knuckles from Vlad King without breaking his own hand when hitting. As such, he had Power-Loader add a tool inside of his gloves to act more or less like brass knuckles to make his hits harder when he is in a fistfight. Though they did have to be careful of them not conducting the electrical current when Izuku uses his shocking feature of the glove, though they were able to use another material that was hard enough and would do it without being conductive.

Now back to the actual fight at hand, the starting gun went off and Izuku entered the training grounds with all of the heroic students watching the fight since they wanted to stay to see how well Kitsune would do against the teachers. He had already won against the second-years and the third-years which was impressive but no one knew what school year he was in but it was clear he had the provisional license meaning he had to be a second-year or a third-year but none of the students recognizes him as an extra student in their class which was the problem. The teachers were still tight lip about it as well which did not help the theories that were being created in their minds of a hidden hero class going on.

Anyway, Izuku was running through the city when he felt the ground shift below him causing him to jump away and send his metal wires to an object on a building so he could swing himself away. As he did this he looked for Cementoss who had to be in a nearby area to control the ground but Izuku wasn't seeing him. That is when Izuku noticed a thin line of the cement went further back which made him follow it with his eyes which he saw in the far distance Cementoss looking through Snipes gun barrel! 

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Izuku said out loud at the fact that Cementoss had controlled a thin line of cement and then expanded it to try and get him via looking through Snipes gun scope! That was downright impressive and amazing teamwork which Izuku put out of his mind as he felt himself get blasted by a sonic wave from Present Mic which sent him back down to the ground into a group of Ectoplasm clones. 'Well, they truly have planned this out!' Izuku thought as he threw his wires around several clones shocking them as he fought but it was hard as he had to keep moving or else Cementoss was going to get him as the man kept trying to trap him in the cement.

'I need to force this inside a building out of their line of sight!' Izuku thought as he ran into a building dragging some clones in with him that he broke apart. Izuku tried to see if he could find the real one but it seems Ectoplasm learned from last time not to be so easy going against Izuku due to the defeat the first semester! Izuku decided to run up the building to the higher floors as he kept trying to get a visual on ectoplasm since he was a high risk of being defeated but he was not having luck so he swapped to a different building but could see Present Mic on the opposite side before the teacher blasted the building apart since they didn't need to worry about damage as they were the villain team!

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