Chapter 48: Aftermath Meeting

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3rd POV:

Izuku decided to stop by one of the upper-year lockerrooms that really was only meant for him since he was the sole student of 3-A and decided to get changed into the spare outfit that he had since the one he currently was wearing was caked in the blood that was nearly dried. This also meant that he had jumped into the showers after sending Nezu a short text saying he would likely be a few minutes as he ended to clean up all of the blood on his body from stopping the Nomu which Nezu said he was fine since the meeting wouldn't start for about another 40 minutes or so to talk about everything that had happened. So with that taken care of Izuku stripped out of the blood-soaked clothing and put his gear to the side as he walked into the shower and allowed the water to flow through his hair and down his muscles as he just stood there for a few seconds under the water before he started to run his hands through his hair.

As he ran his hands through his hair, Izuku could feel all of the blood that had already dried and stuck to his hair which annoyed him. Thankfully Awizawa had told Izuku what brands of shampoo were best to get the blood off of his skin and hair due to the men own personal experience so Izuku quickly put some of the special shampoos and started to rub them into his hair and allowed it to break the dried blood down and absorb the blood that was still not fully dried as it became easier and easier to clean his hair out. After a few minutes of being sure that he had all of the blood out of his hair, he moved to the rest of his body and made sure he was cleaned up before he just let the warm water and steam from the hot water just roll across his body as he relaxed as he knew the rest of the day and the following year was going to be a pain in the rear due to the fact that he was quirkless was now known by not only unneeded individuals at UA but also a group of villains which he was sure that they were going to spread it out to piss him off and cause a media storm for UA on top of the USJ attack.

After getting out of the shower, Izuku decided that it was time for him to start heading down towards the meeting room as he threw on his spare uniform and mask and made sure all of his gear was cleaned up as well and those that were dirty or had blood on them were put into a container that he was going to drop off for the support department to clean up. Walking out of the locker room he made his way down the hallway and placed the bloodstained uniform and gear that was in the container into a drop off slot that automatically took the gear away to be processed by the automatic system which Izuku was always interested in on how it knew who the gear belonged to and how it cleaned everything automatically without the use of humans but that was a thing to look into another day since he didn't really need to hide as much since word about him being quirkless was going to get out sooner or later but he would still wear his gear around the place like normal.

Anyway, it was getting close to the starting time of the meeting so Izuku decided that he needed to head over there since he wanted to relax a bit more before having to deal with All Might's bullshit that he was sure was going to be coming towards him as the man would likely try to complain about Izuku being in the hero course but sucks to be the man since all of the teachers that have power in the school like and support Izuku so he wasn't scared of All Might's influence. Arriving outside of the meeting room, Izuku didn't even bother knocking on the door and just entered it to find that the detective and All Might were already in the room waiting but none of the other staff was there yet and he could see that the two men were confused on why Izuku a student was in the meeting room. Izuku just headed towards the front of the table where Nezu would typically sit and just sat right down in Nezu's seat without even glancing at the other two individuals in the room.

"Young Kitsune..." All Might started but Izuku just flipped him off and spoke, "Don't talk to me assmight, I don't care for the words of a quirkest piece of trash such as yourself. Only talk to me if it's official hero business or business about school operations because anything else will be just ignored. Understand?" Izuku said before he turned his attention back to the computer he was working on in front of him as he was pulling up video and other things from the USJ. All Might though just looked dumbfounded at how he was spoken to and the detective was just downright stunned and confused but they were both knocked out of their shock as the other staff members of UA started to enter the room. Though there was the absence of Eraserhead and Thirteen who were both taken away to the hospital to be taken care of since Recovery Girl could only do so much at the facilities that UA had as it wasn't a full-blown operating room for intensive surgeries as she would also need extra hands which she didn't have for the medical treatment those two needed. Especially Eraserhead who had taken a beating from the Nomu before it was handled by Izuku at the end. 

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