Chapter 8: UA Letter & Break!

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3rd POV:

After the exam had been completed, several weeks had passed with Izuku spending nearly all of his time at the dojo with Vagabond when he could to keep his training up and enhancing his skills overall. However, one day when he was at home resting his mother came in and he asked her what was wrong as she was freaking out until he saw the envelope in her hands. It was the letter from UA and he took it as he asked if he could do it alone in his room which she agreed as she waited in the hallway. Izuku was anxious and worried as he didn't want all of the training his master had done for him to go to waste. Even though Izuku had so much confined on passing he still feared that UA may discriminate against him even though they allowed quirkless people to try for the exam. Who would blame Izuku for being worried since the only people that didn't discriminate against him were his mother, his master, and the two adults of the Bakugo family who didn't know what Izuku had been doing since his mother had kept herself tight-lipped about it as Izuku's request. Izuku was silent for a few moments before he opened the letter and he soon found a metal disk device thing? Izuku was confused about what it was until it started up and projected a video on the wall in front of him. 

"Greetings! Am I a rat? A dog? A bear? Who knows but I am the Principal of UA, Nezu! I am here to congratulate you Izuku Midoriya on passing the written exam with the highest score in UA history of 99% and achieving a total score of 185 points in the physical exam which is 5 points higher than All Might's high score making you UA's new record holder! You might question how this is but UA had a hidden portion of the exam where you gained a heavy amount of points due to how many people you recused!" Said Principal Nezu on the screen as he showed videos of Izuku saving people as he destroyed robots but then also what he did to the Zero Pointer robot in the exam. "These are called Rescue points as UA wants more than just destruction of robots but those with heroic qualities as well! As such, congratulations on gaining enough points to place first place in the physical exam of UA!" Nezu said and Izuku was in tears now as he not only passed the exam but also outdid All Might the symbol of peace in regards to his record due to how many rescues points he had earned. The screen had shown that Izuku would have placed in 20th place even without the points which meant so much to Izuku! Izuku had scored 105 reduces points total due to the sheer number of times he had saved people which meant the other points were all from the robots which he did via shut off buttons or break them with the metal piece he used as a sword.

'Good thing I acted like I normally do when wanting to save people!' Izuku thought he kept the focus on the video as he thought of all of this as the video gave him a pause for a few seconds before nezu started to speak again. "In addition to this, you will be placed in 1-A of the hero course under the teaching of Eraserhead. This is due to the fact that you have indicated in the notes you wrote on your application that you wish to be an underground hero which he can better help you train and give you advice in as he is an underground pro hero himself. Please find all of the documents in the envelope and send them back with the outfit you wish for your hero costume as we will need to have it ready before the first combat training." Nezu said as before he went on to talk about how due to the fact that Izuku had tested out of all the first-year courses that he would need to report to Nezu's office to talk about what they would be doing for his education moving forward after the first day of class.

Soon the video came to an end and Izuku broke out into a cheer as he walked out of his room to see his mother. "I PASSED! I DID IT AND I TOOK FIRST PLACE IN THE EXAM AND I TOOK THE RECORD FOR THE EXAM WHICH MEANS BEAT ALL MIGHT'S ENTRANCE EXAM SCORE!" Izuku yelled and Inko's eyes widen as she hugged her son. She congratulated him and asked if he planned to go see Vagabond and tell him the results. Izuku said he would go see his teacher now and be back for dinner. Inko told Iuzku to get the man to come over for dinner as well which he nodded his head at. Soon, Izuku made his way to the dojo and found his master waiting for him with a smile.

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