Chapter 33: Sparing Matches

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3rd POV:

It has been about a month since the events regarding the Water Hose Duo who have been making an amazing recovery from the fight with the villain known as Muscular. Izuku had talked to Kota a handful of times since then as well since he had provided the young boy his phone number in the event he wanted to talk about anything or just check in since Izuku was sure the boy would have some nightmares about almost losing his parents at such a young age. Now in other news outside of all of this, it has been decided that the heroic classes would be having some sparring matches between themselves since some in 2-B were getting a bit too much of egos from having their Provisional Licences from what Nezu was seeing.

As such, Nezu wanted to tamper down on their egos before they got themselves killed out in the field on a work-study. Izuku was honestly excited to do this since it had been a bit since he had a training session with the people that are now in 3-A and 3-B since the last one was a bit before last year ended. He hasn't had training with 2-B ever and has only faced the people in the sports festival which was always without his gear. The first-years would be watching the fights to see where they could be at in the future if they dedicate themselves to their training since they had recently completed their internships at the sports festival roughly a few weeks ago. 

Overall, this was meant to show the first-years the vast difference in-field experience makes when you are fighting others. There was going to be no set order to how the fights would happen as it would just be a random drawing from names in a hat until everyone had gone once before they would continue to pick names from those that won and so forth until they only had one person left standing in the end. This had turned into an interclass competition between the second-years and third-years as they wanted to see who would come out on top.

Everyone was out in the training ground Beta which if you all remember from the entrance exam, Ground Beta is a training course that emulates a standard urban area, with streets and buildings. Due to the fact that most heroes operate in cities unless they specialize in different areas, the Beta training ground was decided to be used as the best place for the training since there was also a large monitoring room for bigger audiences that need to view the training as drones would be flying in the air to capture everything.

As 2-B stood there together, the third-years came out and were waiting as well while the first-years all took their seats on bleachers that had been set up for them to watch the video footage. However, before they started, Izuku decided to sneak up on the third-year heroic classes since there were some bushes near them. As he came out of the bushes without anyone noticing, he spoke up. "Even if you don't think you are in danger you should still keep your situational awareness up," Izuku said right near the center of the group as he had slipped into the group unnoticed.

All of the three-year students freaked out as they jumped away from him which drew the attention of all of the other students though the staff was laughing as they watched. The other students were confused except the second-years who recognized Kitsune from campus and the stories about him. After realizing who it was the third-years calmed down and grumbled about being given nightmares again by Kitsune who just shrugged. "Should keep your situational awareness up because you never know where I might come out from," Izuku said as he shrugged and most of the third-years came to him and asked how he was doing. "I'm doing fine, patrols have been a bitch because I have to wake up to come to school during the day since I am going the underground heroic path instead of Limelight," Izuku said as he shrugged as he talked with the people in the third-year.

He had made somewhat friends with them all but they don't know his true name nor the fact that he was quirkless since he was still trying to stall that information from coming out into his third year. They all nodded their heads and asked if he was joining the spars today which he said he was indeed joining them and they shudder a bit at remembering their past fights with Kitsune in getting shocked or knocked out by the sleeping drugs. The first-years who didn't really know anything about Kitsune asked their homeroom teachers who he was and what class he was in.

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