Chapter 22: Hidden Threats & Agreement

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3rd POV:

Izuku had long told Vagabond and his mother Inko Midoriya about the coming Provisional Exam that he would be taking. Vagabond was kind of shocked that it was already going to be allowed for him but Izuku explained the reasons behind why Nezu and Aizawa wanted him to take the exam already compared to waiting until his second year which Vagabond found quite smart of them to do since it would indeed make it harder for people to find the true individual under the mask. Vagabond when he understood the reasons why Izuku would be taking the exam earlier and the risks being played with decided to get involved as well.

Unkown to Izuku, Vagabond reached out to Nezu and Aizawa as he informed them that he would be joining Aizawa going to the test site for the exam since he was still held an active license and in the event that the commission decided to still try to push back with the knowledge of Izuku being Tea Leaves who had such an impact on the hero society with decreasing hero death rates and increasing criminal captures then Vagabond was not afraid to throw his weight around to get things done. It might surprise people but Vagabond was still relativity popular with the older generations, unlike the newer ones. He also passed a large amount of money from his extremely long career that would allow him to take experience legal action against the commission since there is no rule on the books that says a quirkless person couldn't be a hero. As such, Vagabond was ready to throw his hat back in the ring of heroics if he needed to cause some chaos since he still well knew with the older heroes or those that had looked up to him when they entered heroics. It's just people didn't know his true name or appearance since he wore a mask all of the time which he was going to go in the full outfit when he went to the exam site since he still didn't want people really know his face even though some did figure out if they dug deep enough.

Anyway, the day of the exam arrived and Izuku was with Aizawa as they pulled up to the exam site. Izuku was already in his full hero outfit since Aizawa had him change already into it since he would be with him until he enters the arena so it was fine for Izuku to be in outfit already. As they were walking, there were whispers around from the second-years that Izuku normally was with in-class that had failed the first time and they inched a bit away from him which Aizawa smiled slightly under his scarf. "I see you still have some rooted fear in their hearts from the shit you pulled at the camp, Problem Son," Aizawa said and Izuku chuckled under his mask as he did indeed saw they all inched away as he walked by.

Soon they arrived at the registration table where Aizawa would be checking Izuku in at. Aizawa saw the main exam instructor who walked towards them since they had to submit the documents about Izuku before the exam started which meant they knew about Izuku is quirkless. As the exam instructor arrived he introduced himself as Yokumiru Mera who was the one in charge of the exam for the test site.

"Eraserhead, my superior with the commission would like to speak to you and your student before the exam. Please follow me." Mera said and they followed him getting looks from other people signing into the exam since it was unnormal to be called back into a private meeting. As Izuku and Eraserhead entered the room to find several high-ranked members from the commission like they anticipated since there tends to always be one on hand to make large decisions for anything normal that happens but what they didn't suspect was none other than the President of the Commission to be present as well! 'We only accounted for a few high-ranking members who could authorize me taking the exam... this isn't going how we predicted it to go.' Izuku thought in his mind as he deployed his skills in reading a room and body languages like Nezu had taught as he sat down in a seat next to Eraserhead.

As the President of the commission looked ready to speak, she was interrupted as the door to the room opened suddenly as a person walked in. Izuku was shocked to see it was none other than his master and grandfather Vagabond! "Sorry to be rude but when I heard you all decided to have a private meeting I just had to come rushing down here to ensure I was kept in the loop of anything regarding my protege Kitsune." Vagabond said stressing the fact that Kitsune was his protege which caused people to tense up which Izuku noticed due to his skills that Nezu taught him. Though they all went back to normal within seconds due to the nature of their jobs.

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