Chapter 24: Andor? Or Alister?

Start from the beginning

"Pesky skeleton." He mumbled to himself.

I began to put the book back in my bag when I noticed something.

I nearly peed my self when I saw it.

Andor had Lieutenant Al's rapier in his hand.

It took all my might to not freak out and run as far away as I could.
The images of the blood soaked rapier from my dream came back.

Don't freak don't freak out don't freak out.

I calmed myself and put a normal expression on my face. If he finds out that I know it's not him, he'll definitely kill me or arrest me.

"I hate mobs. Don't you? I also really hate that taint problem we have now. We should all work together and get rid of it. That would be super awesome."

Super awesome? Nice try Al, Andor doesn't talk like that.

"Yeah mobs and taint are some serious problems. I was nearly killed by a creeper the other day. Well, I guess I better get going, I have a lot of stuff to do today. I guess we'll try and go after Steve tomorrow."

"I suppose so. Goodbye Jordan!"

"Bye Andor."

I walked away from him as normal as I could. After I passed Tucker's house and couldn't see him anymore, I bolted to the tree.

I realized why he was pretending to be Andor. He was trying to trick me into getting rid of the taint.

I arrived at the tree and bent over to catch my breath. My ribs still hurt and my legs weren't holding up too good either.
I heard the portal open and out walked Tom. He saw my terrified expression and came running over.

"What happened?! Did you fall or something?"

"I went to the main land to get some chicken from Tucker's farm and I saw Andor but-"

"What?! Was Steve with him?! Where are they?!" He began to walk towards the mainland and I stopped him.

"It wasn't actually him! It was Al impersonating him! I didn't realize until he killed a skeleton with his rapier. Andor never had any weapons beside his boomerang, it wasn't him."

Toms eyes widened, "Did he say anything about Steve? Did he try to kill you? Did he know you knew it was him?"

"He said Steve got trapped trying to 'save him'. What if Al trapped him too? He didn't try to kill me, he didn't know that I knew. I just said I had to go and I ran away."

"Well...I'm glad your okay, I really wish you would've told me you were going to the main land. I would've came with you."

"Yeah I guess. We need to go after them, maybe Dec knows where this place is."
Tom scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"Maybe...we should wait a little while longer."

"What? Don't you want to save them?"

"I do I really's just...I really don't want you to go right now."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Sparklez you just started walking again today. I don't want you to get killed. We can wait a little while, I'm sure they'll be fine for another week."

"Tom what if they don't have another week?! Andor's been there for 5 weeks! What if he's dead?! I dont want Steve to die too!"

"Hey ladies, will you stop arguing for a second?" I heard Sonja say behind Tom.

"You guys fight like an old married couple. It's cute but weird." Tucker shook his head.

"I agree. They do show certain similarities of an elderly couple." Wag stated.

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