Chapter 20: I Look Like Crap.

Start from the beginning


My eyes shot open. Dim lighting filled them. I scanned the room. I was in Decs house again.

I immediately groaned in pain. My arms and legs hurt, my head ached, and my side was throbbing. I looked down at myself. I mentally gagged.

I look like crap.

I'm pretty sure I was completely naked, the only thing covering my bottom half was a really thin blanket. I looked at my arms, one was in a sling tied to the ceiling and the other had a needle in it. There was a bag of blood going in through it. I saw another patch going into my side. I tried to take a deep breath and try not to panic, I hated needles, but when I did it felt like someone just sat on my chest.

I coughed and looked down at my chest. There was a lot of bandages and padding around it. I guess I had broken a few ribs. I looked over in the chair beside me, hoping Tom was there. But he wasn't.

It was Wag.

He was dead asleep with his wizard hat covering his face.

"Oh well look who's awake. We thought you'd never wake up."

I turned to see Dec standing there with his clipboard in his hand.

I tried to speak, but my throat make a weird screech sound and my eyes widened.

Dec laughed and sat his clipboard down on the table.

"Don't worry, its just the medication I gave you can cause your speech to have a bit of trouble. Are you feeling okay?"

To be honest I felt like I just got hit by a truck. But I nodded yes.
"Do want me to tell you your injuries?"

I nodded yes.

He picked up his clipboard again and began reading the list.

"Okay let's see. A broken arm, severe concussion, three broken ribs, two fractured ribs, and some internal bleeding in your side. I honestly don't understand how you are still alive, but go figure."

Wow. I was in bad shape.

I looked over at Wag and made a questionable face.

"Oh him? He's been using healing magic for three straight days. He's a tad tired."

Wag had helped me too?

Wait, I had been asleep for three days?

How do I ask where Tom is?

I looked to Dec and and tried to speak again, but once more the only sound that came out was a squeak.
Dec walked over and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and handed it to me.

'Where is Tom?' I scribbled down.

"He left yesterday. He had to get some sleep. He'd been here forever sitting outside and waiting. It took some major persuading but Wag managed to get him to go home for a bit. Do you want me to call him?"

I nodded yes.

Dec pressed a button and talked into his communicator.

"Thomas? Someone wants to see you. I suggest you come over right away."

It couldn't have been no more than five minutes later when I heard the door slam open and in ran Tom.

I looked up at him and smiled. He looked really tired and but at the same time very awake. His wild blue hair was a mess and he was wearing a t-shirt and shorts, aside from his usual attire which was a suit. He stared at me for a few seconds and then tackled me into a hug.

I made a squeaking noise because he leaned up on my ribs a little.

He pulled away immediately and covered his mouth.
"Sorry! I just...I thought you were a goner. I'm so glad you're back." His voice cracked when he talked and it was really scratchy. I could tell he hadn't been sleeping again.

"Did-did you hear me when I talked to you? Are you in pain? Did I hurt you when I hugged you?"

I tried to answer his questions, but all I could do was screech every time I opened my mouth.

He looked at me confused.

"Can't you talk? Oh my god! You can't talk anymore! I've ruined your life! I'm so sorry!" He hugged me again and began bawling.

I tried to shake my head but he just continued to sob into my side.

"It's all my fault...I should've went after your gonna be a mute for the rest of your life! I'm so sorry..."

"Thomas he's not mute, he's just experiencing the side affects of the medication I gave to him," Dec explained when he walked in.

He looked at me, embarrassed.

"Oh...well...sorry about that then..."
I laughed silently and patted his back. I was glad to see him again.

Later on after I got dressed and my medication wore off, Tucker, Steve, and Sonja showed up. Sonja hugged me gently and said she was glad I didn't die on episode 3. Tucker didn't think the joke was funny, but everyone else thought it was hilarious.

They all talked about things that happened while I was out. The taint was spreading very fast, thanks to the statue next to the bridge. Martha was still no where to be seen. No one had heard anything useful about where Andor was.
And that got me thinking.

"Sonja, do you still have that cider brewing machine in your house?"

"I do, but I don't think you should drink when you just came out of a coma."

"No not for me. What if you invited lieutenant Al over for a drink and when he gets drunk, ask him questions about where Andor is? He might let something slip."

Tucker and Sonja looked at each other and shrugged.

"That seems like a pretty good plan. But let's wait okay? We probably want to wait until your a little less broken to start an adventure," Sonja said with a laugh.
Everyone laughed and so did I.

I was glad I stayed.
Guys, I'm bummed. You may get like offended or something for me talking about this and I'm sorry. I just heard some like really disturbing news about Bashurverse... I don't know if it's true or not but either way it's like really bumming me out. He and Skydoesminecraft have been at each other on twitter for awhile and I think it's stressing out everyone in that part of the minecraft community. I wish they wouldn't do this over twitter, it affects a lot of people's emotions...
But apart from all that sad junk...JORDAN HIT ONE MILLION ON TWITCH!
Also did you guys notice the lieutenant trying to impersonate Andor?! HE CANT DO THAT TO MY EMOTIONS! I THOUGHT ANDOR WAS BACK! IT WAS ALL A FACADE! *cries*
So now Steve's heart hurts...why must they do dis to my emotions...
Everyone's at pax and I'm just at home like 'heh...I'm writing books...'
I wish I could go...I have no monies ;(
But anyway guys! Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed the chapter, leave a favorite if you did! Thanks!
- Lee

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