Chapter 18: The Purge Returns.

Start from the beginning

Dec had given us communicators so we could hear what everyone was saying while we killed eachother. It was pretty useful.

"Aw I'll be a nice guy and give some of it back."

I ran to Sonja's house and began putting some of her more important items back in the chest.
Next stop was Tucker's house. I had killed everyone except for him.

Well, almost everyone.

Tom was nowhere to be seen and had turned off his communicator. But I could still see his score tied with mine on the communicator score board. We had decided to split up before, just so it could be fair and there would be no teaming.

He was around somewhere.

I stealthily sneaked around Tucker's wall and began to creep inside.

"I SEE YOU SPARKLEZ!" I heard him yell as an arrow flew past my head.

"Crap!" I ducked down and shot back at him. It hit him and damaged him pretty hard. He ran the other direction and I chased after.

I finally ran up on top of a hill and shot him from the distance. He died and the grave appeared.

"Well crap. Well played Sparklez, well played. But I'm out I guess. I don't have that much stuff left. So good luck!"

"Thanks dude!"
Just as I was about to collect the grave, and arrow hit me in the back.
I shouted and leaped. That really hurt.
I turned with my bow stretched out and faced my opponent.

No one was behind me.

I looked everywhere. I didn't see a single soul.
Just as I was about to retreat, another arrow went by, I think it was aimed at my head.

Wait a second.

I looked up on the roof tops. There was no way he could have.
But sure enough I saw Toms light blue hair poking up from Tucker's dojos roof.
I pulled my arrow back and pretended I was still looking for him.
I heard another arrow hit the ground and I quickly turned towards the roof and shot.

"OWWWWW!" I heard a certain Tom cry out.

"That's what you get for sniping!" I yelled back at him.

"It's not sniping! It's using height to my advantage!"

I saw him jump onto a tree and run away.

I chased after him. I was not letting him go, I might never find him again.
He jumped over Tucker's wall and retreated towards the forest of trees. I couldn't let him get to there.
I stopped and pulled back my bow again, aimed towards his direction and fired.

SyndHD was killed by CaptainSparklez using [Bow of Balance]
"ITS YER BOI!!!" I pumped my fist in the air.
"Gg Sparkley pants, Gg."
"You too Tom."

Later when the purge was over, I met back up with Tom.
I think he was still a little salty about losing.

"So...what do you wanna do now? It's still daylight."
He didn't reply, he just kept washing off the blood on his sword.

"You maybe wanna take a selfie on your phone to remember the first purge day?"

He scoffed, "Selfies are stupid."

"Oh I thought you liked selfies. You have so many on your phone." I laughed at his saltiness.

He stopped walking and looked at me.

"How do you know that?"

Uh oh. I shouldn't have said anything.

"I dunno." I walked on ahead. Maybe I could avoid this conversation.

"Don't walk away from me. Have you been on my phone?" His tone was no longer salty. It was angry.

I was too afraid to say anything. I didn't want to ruin our friendship by telling him what I saw him doing last night.
I didn't know what to do.

He was furious.


I ran off towards the main land. I was not going to face him. He knows what I saw now. I'm so embarrassed.

I could feel tears building up in my eyes.
Why did I cry over every little thing?
I'm such a wimp.

I honestly didn't know where I was going. I just didn't want to talk to Tom.

What did I do last time he yelled at me like that?

Oh yeah, I got drunk as heck. There's no way I'm ever doing that again.

Why do we always fight? It's always my fault too.

I should go back. I should apologize.

I turned around to head back, when I bumped into something and fell. I looked up to apologize to the person.



I laid there. Everything was so blurry. I couldn't see very well. I looked to the spot where I was standing and saw grey powder. It was a creeper that had blown me up.

My head hurt. My arm did too. I tried to move it but was greeted with horrible agony. I groaned in pain. My communicator beeped on my other arm. I raised it up.
'The Blood Moon is rising'.

Oh no. Oh please no.

I was gonna die if I didn't get up and leave. I tried to sit up, my chest throbbed and I cried out in pain. I couldn't get up. I tried to talk on the communicator. I raised it up to call someone, but everyone was muted or logged off.

I really was gonna die.

"Help! Somebody help!" But I was in the forest. No one lived around here. I was screwed.

There was no one to help me this time. Why didn't I pay attention to what I was doing?

I heard mobs spawning nearby. It wasn't gonna be much longer. I tried to turn over slowly. I moaned in pain as I heard a sickening crack come from my arm. I had landed underneath it. I knew it was all gonna be over soon.

No one would get to hear my last words.

I would never get married.

I would never have kids.

I never even had an actual girlfriend.

All of the people I would leave behind.

Tom. What is he gonna do when he finds my body?

He'd still be angry I bet. Still angry at what'd I'd done.

I grabbed an old broken off twig and crawled over to some dirt.

I had to tell him. Even on my death bed.

I tried my best to write out the message. My vision was getting worse.

My hand shook as I wrote the words. I heard more mobs spawning in behind me.

I wrote the last word, and then my body couldn't take it any more. I passed out on the ground, but not before reading it one last time.

' Tom. I'm sorry about not being able to stay with you. I'm sorry about not being able to take care of myself. I love you. I'll watch over you in the next life. -CS '

It was the same thing she had told me in a dream once. It's what pulled me together after she died.

I hope it works for him.

My vision finally blurred altogether as my mind and body seeped into oblivion.
I cried a little while writing this. I'm such a depressing person :3
But, Hello lovelies!
Hope you're having a wonderful day! Just wanted to let you know I might be able to post 2 chapters a day Thursday through Sunday cuz guess what? MORE SNOW IS COMING MY WAY! YAY SPRING!
Anyway, hope you enjoyed this sad chapter! Leave a favorite if you did! Thanks!
- Lee

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