Chapter 15: Martha The Mystic

Start from the beginning

"Oh well, that's kind of you to say uh...Martha is it?" He said nervously.

"Indeed that is my name! Jericho is such a handsome name..." I heard her say.

"Who the heck is Martha?" Tom asked me whispering.

"I don't know. But she sure does like Tucker."

Tom snickered and Martha and Tucker's heads turned to us.

"Oh! Who are these young handsome gentlemen hiding in the bushes?!"

I blushed, no girl had ever talked about me like that.
Tom raised up out of the bushes and bowed to the woman.

"My names Syndicate! Wanna bang?"

"Oh my god Tom what's wrong with you?" I asked shaking my head.

I raised up too and nodded at the woman.
"My name is CaptainSparklez, but you can call me Jordan I guess."

"What dazzling names! And naughty suggestions!" She winked at Tom.

"Oh! How rude of me! My name is Martha The Mystic! I'm here to solve your taint problem! And maybe tell a few of Steve's dirty little secrets." She giggled.

"Martha! Ye better not be telling em' anything!" I heard Steve yell.

I looked to where the sound was coming from and was amazed at what I saw. A gigantic hovering house. I could see Farmer Steve driving it, trying to park it in front of Tucker's dojo.

"Wow that's awesome!" I heard Tom exclaim.

"Thank you dear! I take great pride in my humble abode!"

Tucker turned to me and whispered.
"I think she's Steve's lover or something."

I nodded in understanding.

"Oh me and Stevie aren't lovers! Currently..." She giggled.

"But I must say," she continued on, "the land of Dagrun certainly has it's fair share in handsome men." She leaned on Tucker and seductively dragged her nails down his arm.

"Um excuse me?" I heard another girl voice say. We all turned to see Sonja standing there with her hands on her hips glaring at Martha.

"Oh and who might you be missy?" Martha asked with an annoyed tone.

Well this isn't gonna be pretty.

"I'm the girlfriend of the boy your leeching on, and I'd advise you let go of him before I put you in a hole in the ground."

"OKAY...let's get back to the whole taint problem here. I don't see why you came, I think we've controlled it pretty well." Tucker said as he slowly backed away from Martha's grasp.

Martha crossed her arms and pulled some of her hair out of her face. She was actually kind of pretty. She had long purple hair and grey eyes. She wore an amulet around her neck and had a black and grey suit on.

"Darlings you must understand, the taint cannot simply vanish with little flowers and trees. You must use real magic to rid its presence. But from further inspection I see that the taint has not formed naturally..."

"What do you mean not naturally?" I asked.

"Tension and misery has caused the taint to form. But what from exactly?"

"I don't know mate. Maybe it's because there be a revolution heading our way soon?" Farmer Steve says sarcastically.

"That would be it! Although you didn't have to say it in such a crude manor Stevie." Martha said with an irritated tone.

Her and Steve began arguing and Tucker walked over to Sonja and did what I assumed was apologizing. Sonja looked majorly pissed off.

Tom leaned over and whispered to me, "You wanna leave the group of lovers and go get that key?"

"Gladly," I replied also whispering.

We walked slowly so no one would notice us and began heading towards the opposite direction.

Tom looked back after we were far away and began to laugh.
"Love is so stupid. I don't think I'll ever try it." He said shaking his head.

I was gonna agree with him, but thought about it for a moment. I had been in love once, and I actually enjoyed it if it weren't been for my love dying a horrible death.

Oh great. I was thinking about her again.

"Hey you okay?" I heard Tom say to me.


"I said are you okay? You seemed out of it for a minute."

I thought for a moment and then sighed.
"You've never had a girlfriend have you?"

"I tried to get with Cap- I mean...well you know who I'm talking about. But I only did it to get on your nerves. I could see she only had feelings for you."

It stayed silent for a while. Tom started to say something, maybe apologize, but I cut him off.

"You're right. Love is stupid."

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