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Character: Bakugou Katsuki
Type: Angst💔, Fluff☁️
Story Name: I'll always love you
*Any quirk*

(Bakugou pov)

I got startled by several loud knocks coming from my front door. I groaned a bit and got out of bed before stomping to the front door. I unlocked it with great speed before slamming it opened. I glared at Kirishima before speaking up, "What the fuck, shitty hair? It's my day off you better have a good reason for waking me up." When I took a closer look I noticed he was still wearing his pro-hero costume and he looked both tired and frantic. "Before I say anything, can I come in?" I stared at him in confusion before nodding my head. Once he was inside I closed my front door and went to start the tea kettle. It was quiet between us, my mind running with a million possibilities of what could be going on. I snapped out of my daze by the tea kettle. I place a teabag in a teacup before pouring the water in.

I brought it over to him with some sugar and honey. He gave me a weak smile before preparing his tea. After he took a few sips he sighed and looked up at me, "Bakugou, when I tell you what I came here to tell you, promise me that you won't do anything irrational." I paused before nodding my head, my leg bouncing in anticipation and nervousness. He took another deep breath before speaking, "As you already know we've been having problems with a new villain group. Yesterday night we had a breakthrough in the case and found out that they were following behind one person. So we put all our efforts into getting them arrested." He paused for a second before continuing, "Bakugou the leader of the villain group is your boyfriend. We have him in custody. I came here because I would rather be the one to tell you." My eyes widened and small tears pricked in the corner of my eyes. I quickly ran upstairs and changed before coming back downstairs and grabbing my shoes and slipping them on. I looked at Kirishima silently telling him I needed to see my boyfriend. I grabbed my keys and coat before we headed to the police station.

Once there I was asked a million and one question on whether or not I was working with him but Kirishima got them off my back. I got sat in an interrogation room and waited for my boyfriend to be brought to me. Once the door opened I looked over and saw my boyfriend with a small smile on his face. A policeman roughly forced him to sit before leaving, locking the door behind him. I looked at my boyfriend's face looking for any signs that this was all a huge prank. I could feel myself begin to break down but I didn't want to cry in front of the police officers that were watching. I cleared my throat before speaking, "I just want to know, why? Why did you do this? And were you actually in love with me or were you just using me?" He frowned before speaking up, "I've always hated the society we created. If you take a look at who I sent my men after you'll see that they were abusers, r*pist, kidnappers, con artist, etc. I never actually hurt innocent people. And Kat I've been in love with you since the moment I set eyes on you. I'm sorry that I lied but you being a hero and me being a villain wasn't going to do good for your reputation so I never told you anything." I could feel myself tear up before I could say or do anything some officers came inside the room before getting him up to his feet. He gave me one last smile, "Make sure to visit me, Kat. And remember I'll always love you to infinity." I stared at him, "And beyond." He smiled before he was taken away.


I continued to visit him until I found out that he was getting re-trailed. Once he did he was found innocent because the people he got rid of were villains. Right now I was standing outside the jail waiting for him. Once I saw him I ran full speed before jumping into his arms. He buried his face into the crook of my neck before pulling away and placing a kiss on my lips, "I missed you so much, darling." I smiled, "I missed you too." We pressed our foreheads against each other, "I love you, (M/n)." He smiled, "I love you too."

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Father! Aizawa Shota x Class 1a

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