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Character: Bakugou Katsuki
Type: Lil Angst💔, Fluff☁️
Story Name: I'm sorry, okay?
*Age Regression, Any quirk*

(Bakugou pov)

It took everything in me to not punch the shitty extras that kept following me in their faces. I have been feeling even more irritated recently. It's not because exams were coming up. No, I'm going to ace them shits like the fucking God I am. It's because my boyfriend has recently been avoiding me and going off with some shitty extras to study. I'm not mad that he didn't choose me to help him study but all I'm saying is that I'm smarter than all of these extras. We were all in the common room. I was trying to watch tv but the shitty extras kept trying to convince me to help them study for the exams. I was getting angrier and angrier by the second. But I mentally saw red when I saw shitty Deku talking to my boyfriend. I shot up from my seat before stomping over to where they were at. I grabbed my boyfriend's wrist and dragged him up to my room.

I slammed the door closed behind us before turning to look over at him. "Katsuki what's wro-?" I cut him off by glaring at him. I saw something flash in his eyes but I chose to ignore it. "Why the hell haven't you been talking to me? You know full well that I could've helped you study and probably made it easier to understand than these shitty extras. We're fucking dating (M/n) and you haven't even made time to talk to me. Look at you your clearly haven't been eating well or taking care of yourself or sleeping enough. What's fucking wrong with you?" I could feel myself panting after getting everything off my chest. He looked up at me before he burst into tears. He began mumbling something as he fell to his knees.

I frowned and immediately kneeled next to him and pulled him into a hug. He continued to cry but now I could hear what he was saying. "I sowwy. I sowwy. I a bad boy." I immediately recognized the way of speaking. 'Fuck he regressed.' I thought as I sat him on my lap and rocked him back and forth. 'It's a good thing shitty hair taught me what to do when someone regresses since he takes care of dunce's face.' I thought. I began rubbing his back in comfort and spoke up in a soft voice, "Shh baby, I'm sorry for yelling at you. You're in no way a bad boy, okay?" He looked up at me. I frowned lightly when I saw his bloodshot eyes and his runny nose. I took the bottom of my shirt and gently wiped his nose. "Chu means it. I no bad boy?" He asked while sniffing loudly. I nodded my head and playfully pinched his nose making him giggle. "Chu know big (M/n) wikes you a lot. He tinks chu no gonna wike wittle me."

"Well tell big (M/n) that I think you're absolutely adorable and I already 'wike' you." He smiled brightly and hugged me, "I see chu later." Soon enough a blushing (M/n) took his head out my neck. "I'm sorry you saw me like that. The stress of school got to me and I didn't give you the attention I know I should've been giving yo-." I cut him off by placing my finger on his lips. "You have no reason to apologize. I let myself get insecure and got angry at you knowing full well how much you stress during exams time. I'm sorry, okay? I hope you can find it in you to forgive me. As for the age regression thing, how come you never told me?" He paused for a second before he began fiddling with his fingers, "I forgive you just don't yell at me like that again. As for the age regression thing. Um, like little (M/n) said I was always scared you wouldn't um like that part of me. I was scared you'd think I was weird and break up with me." I nodded my head before sighing softly, "(M/n) you're the love of my life. And I know we're only 17 but I truly feel like that. And like I told little you, I already like them. You have nothing to worry about. I can be your caregiver if you want. I know a little bit because I know someone who is one as well. Maybe if you want I can set up play dates with them." He looked like he was about to cry but he composed himself and nodded his head, "I would love for you to be my caregiver."


After exams were over I made sure that (M/n) was safely in little space so that he wouldn't stress about scores for a while. I even set up play dates with Kaminari and Todoroki, who I had found out was Deku's little when Kirishima brought them along for the playdate much to (M/n) excitement because it meant more little friends for him. We truly couldn't be happier.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

Next up:
Izuku Midoriya

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