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Character: Monoma Neito
Type: Angst💔, Fluff ☁️
Story Name: I know you're a good person
*Any quirk*

(M/n pov)

I was about to walk out of my class to look for my boyfriend but I saw that he was standing in front of my friends while laughing maniacally. I walked over to them to eavesdrop on what my boyfriend is saying. Since he had his back to me my presence went completely unnoticed by him but not by my friends. Just as Uraraka was about to speak up I brought a finger up to my lips and shook my head. I looked over at my boyfriend after they realized what I was trying to do. I silently watched and listened to everything Neito was saying, "Well if it isn't the weaklings of class 1-A. The boy whose daddy issues are deeper than the Atlantic Ocean. The boy that can't even use their quirk without breaking his bones. The girl that throws up after using her quirk to carry something heavier than 10lbs. And last but not least the guy who ran off leaving his 'friends' and classmates to fight villains. Effectively almost killing Mr.bone-breaker here and your beloved Sensei."

I stood their anger crossing over my features. I knew Neito wasn't the nicest guy out there but I never expected him to go this low. I stomped over to him before standing in front of my friends like a shield. I glared harshly at him and he gave me a confused look. "Babe, is everything ok-?" I cut him off by raising my hand. "Nah you're not going to insult my friends that way and then call me babe. I'm extremely disappointed in you Monoma. I saw more in you. People warned me and told me that you weren't the nicest person out there. I gave you the benefit of the doubt but you pulled a fucking stunt like this. You have exactly ten seconds to get out of my face. And just so we're clear for the time being I don't want you coming near me or my entire class." He stared at me with small tears in his eyes he was about to say something but my glare stopped him from doing so.

Once he had run off with tears running down his cheek I let out a soft sigh. I turned towards my friends before I spoke up, "I'm quite sorry for him. Now Iida you never abandoned your friends or classmates during the villain attack. If it wasn't for your bravery to leave and get the pro-hero a lot more people would've been injured. As for Midoriya and Uraraka don't let what he said about your quirks get to you. You guys just need to train and I'm sure you guys will get control of them. And Todoroki I know what it's like to have family issues but all of us are here for you and my house is always open for you." They all stared at me before nodding their heads. I pulled them into hugs before gently patting their heads. "I'm going to look for Neito and I'm going to give him a stern talk too."

I walked off in the direction of where Neito ran off to. Once I found him outside in the garden he was crying while hugging himself. I sighed and sat down next to him. I placed my hand on his back and rubbed his back. It was a while before his sobs turned into small sniffles. "I'm sorry, (M/n). I truly am. I just can't stand the idea that people like them get everything handed to them so easily while I have to work my ass off. My quirk isn't all that and I have to pretend I'm this flashy and strong person because I know I'll never get out there in the world." I sighed before I gently grabbed his face, "Listen, you don't need to be like everyone else, Neito. You need to understand that you're perfect just the way you are. Your quirk is your own and you're going to be the perfect hero in your own way. So stop trying to bring other downs and rise with them. With me. I know you're a good person. And no matter what I'll always love you." He nodded his head and he hugged me tightly. "I love you too. And I promise to change for the better. I promise" He whispered into my chest.


And he stuck to his promise. He apologized to everyone and began changing for the better. Our relationship became stronger and we lived a happy life.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes. This weekend I will be busy so I will post on Monday.

Next up:
Hizashi Yamada x Aizawa Shota (Age Regression)

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