Bakugou x Tamaki

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Character: Bakugou Katsuki x Tamaki Amajiki
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: You're so cute
*Any quirk, Bakugou, and Tamaki are pro-heroes, Age Regression*

(M/n pov)

I let out a soft groan as I reached my agency. I walked into my office/bedroom before grabbing my phone. I frowned a bit when I noticed that neither of my lovers had texted me. I sighed and put my phone down before I walked into the bathroom. I took a shower to get all of the grime and sweat from today's work off me before heading home since Katsuki would literally have my head if I came home dirty. After I showered I went ahead and changed into some casual clothing. I walked back out into my office and grabbed my phone, wallet, and keys before making my way downstairs to the parking garage. Once I got in my car I decided to stop at the toy store to buy my baby boy a brand new toy. Once I succeed at the store I made sure to grab two new plushies. One was of Katsuki while the other was of me and they were part of our hero merch. I paid for my items before getting back into my car and heading home.

Once I arrived back home I got out of my car and as quietly as possible I made my way inside of my house. When I didn't see either of my lovers on the first floor of the house I quietly made my way upstairs. After checking the spare bedroom, my office as well as Katsuki's and Tamaki's office, and our shared bedroom I realized where the two might be. I quickly and quietly made my way to Tamaki's playroom and slowly opened the door. As I peeked my head into the room I saw Tamaki and Katsuki having a tea party. Katsuki's back was turned towards me so the only one that noticed that I came home was our baby boy, Tamaki. I placed my finger up to my lips and he immediately understood which made me smile brightly. I continued to watch the two but I couldn't help but realize just how much of a softie Katsuki was towards Tamaki.

I leaned against the door frame before I cleared my throat immediately catching the attention of my long-term lover. Katsuki turned towards me as a bright blush settled in his cheeks, "What the fu-? What are you doing home?" He stopped himself from cussing when he remembered that our baby was still in the room. I chuckled a bit, "I got out early so I came home. Don't worry I only saw you acting like a bit softie towards our baby." He blushed brighter and Tamaki simply walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I kissed his forehead and he smiled up at me. "Papa wat chu gots me?" He asked while pointing at the bag in my hand. I raised the bag, "It's a present for a little boy who has been extremely good lately." His eyes widened and a sparkle of childish innocence passed through them which made me smile brightly. I handed the bag to him and when he opened it he immediately squealed happily before running off to play with them.

Katsuki came over to me before lightly punching my shoulder and embarrassed blush still on his face. I gently pinched his cheek, "You're so cute, Kat. Didn't expect you to be such a softie." He glared at me and crossed his arms over his chest, "S-shut up dumbbutt." I couldn't help but laugh at his way of censoring himself. I pecked his lips before heading back over to Tamaki. The rest of the day we spent it playing and taking care of our baby, Tamaki.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes.

My darlings, I will be going on vacation for a week and a half. That means I won't be able to post but I will come back rested and ready to do all of your request.

I will be doing the Bakugou request when I'm back darlings

Next up:
Bakugou Katsuki

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