Chapter 56

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Waking up slightly disappointed that I didn't get to see the scan pictures as they forget them, but I'll see them today. Today's moving in day for them and I'm so happy to be helping them start this chapter in there life's. There going to love it.

Having to make a load of food, Ace and me finally arrive at Liam's to sort through it and throw them a little party.
"Hey babes" I say as Liam opens the door and let's us in.
"Where's Amy?" I ask him wondering when she's getting here and if I have enough time to set up. I take the food into the kitchen while them two talk and start to blow up balloons.
"Oh my god Liam" I say looking at the scan picture that's placed on the fridge.
"Yes that's the little one, she's 9 weeks" he tells us and I smile happily.
"So are you finding out what your having? Or keeping it as a surprise?" I ask him and he just shrugs at me.
"I have no idea yet. I think she wants a baby reveal" Liam tells me and I have an amazing idea.
"Yes! I want to do it" I tell him and he laughs at me nodding.
"Of course you do love" Liam says with a chuckle.
We start to move, moving stuff around and making room for Amy's. I work through Liam's closet and drawers moving things and the guys put up another drawer for her stuff, adding a few shelves and a vanity to his bedroom I look it over impressed with our work.

"I'm going to pick Amy up now is everything sorted?" Liam asks us as we stand in the bedroom looking around.
"Yep" I say but thinking there's another room.
"Liam there's another room is that going to be the nursery? I can't get in" I ask him confused as to why it's locked up.
"Errr.. That was my mum's room before she died" he tells me with a sad smile. Shit Angelica put ya fucking foot in it.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know Liam" I tell him with a sad smile.
He hands me a key from his pocket and looks at me.
"I can't do it Angelica. You and Jason can if you would. Just clear the whole room bag everything" he tells me and starts to leave.
"It'll be done before your home, ring us when your close" I call out after him.
"Ace, what did we do" I say knowing it was me but he can take some blame to, he could of told me first. Div
"Us.. It was you angel. But its OK. We'll start onit now come on" he pulls me out Liam's bedroom and down the hall to the next.
Standing at the door with anticipation for what's behind it. Someone died in this room so I'm a little creeped out. Grow up Angelica I scold myself and unlock the door.
"Wow" I gasp seeing everything beautifully in place.
"I'll go get some black bags" Ace says to me and walking off. Please don't leave me in here alone I think to myself then roll my eyes. Get a grip! He probably needs a minute. My poor Ace.

Finally finished bagging up her clothes and jeez she had alot here. I sit on the bed and look through her jewellery box. Seeing alot of 'A' jewellery huh.
"What was her name Ace?" I ask him as he comes to sit next to me.
"Angela baby" he says and something clicks.
"The salon.. Angel's" I say now knowing why it was called that.
"Yeah that's what people called her" he tells me looking at a bracelet.
"I wonder what Liam's going to do with all this" I say looking around the room.
"Probably charity, I don't know to be honest" he tells me. Wait charity? Nooo I want this box then.
"Would Liam let me buy all this 'A' jewellery you think?" I ask Ace smiling
He shrugs and nods.
"Probably just give them to you baby" he tells me but I can't accept anymore freebies from Liam.
"He's already gave me her salon. I want to give him something back" I say putting the box down.
"He won't be giving it to Amy. He won't want to see it constantly" Ace says then looks at his phone.
"Liam" he tells me and answers.
I busy myself and go back down stairs. Washing my hands I unwrap all the food and set it up on the table in the living room with bottles of juice and water for them.
I blow up a couple more balloons while I wait bored for them to come home.
"I think they have enough angel" Ace says chuckling. I tie it and throw it in his direction suddenly hearing the front door open. I jump up and make my way to them smiling.
"Hey" I call out and Amy smiles wide at me and Jason stood behind me.
"You good?" Ace asks her and she nods smiling more.
"I'm so happy you guys are here" she tells us and I hug her. She's growing nicely aswell I thought.
"Come through" I tell her and Liam walks her into the living room.
"Oh my god you guys, you didn't have too" she tells us and begins to cry. Hard.
"Baby it's OK." Liam says hugging her to his chest. Bless her and them hormones.

"Liam I have a question can I talk to you please" I say to him and he nods getting up with me. I walk upstairs and he hesitates.
"OK stand there one sec" I tell him and run to go get the box.
"Ace says you might be giving your mum's things to charity? But your not giving them her jewellery. I'm buying it from you if your just going to give it away" I tell him seriously. He can't just give them away. Clothes are one thing but not her jewellery.
"You can take what ever you want love, have it all" Liam says shrugging.
"Liam seriously, I want to pay you. You've already gave me her salon." I say deafeated by his strong look. Fuck.
"You can pay me with your hugs and your love Angelica" he tells me and I feel a tear slide down as he hugs me.
"If she's anything like you then I'd of loved her Liam. She loved you so much I seen it" I tell him making him pull back looking at me.
"What you talking about love?" he asks confused.
"When I was younger I used to go past her salon and always see you. You was always running around and making her laugh, you could see the love she had for you" I tell him tearing up making him cry was not the plan. Fuck.
"Don't cry Liam, this is good" I tell him wiping under his eyes gently removing the tears.
"Thank you Angelica, it means alot that you said that. I miss her so much" he tells me and starts to cry again. I throw my arms around his broad shoulders and hug him as tight as I can.
"It's OK Liam you have us" I tell him soothingly.
I feel so sorry for him. He obviously loves his mum and can't let go.

Meeting Darkness | DARKNESS SERIES #2 ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें