Chapter 67 Jason's POV

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It's been two weeks since Ruby was born and she's perfect. My angel is in mum mode and she's amazing at it.
I've took a little time off work to look after them both while my angel goes into the salon now and then to check on things and make sure everythings running smoothly. Her business is doing great and I'm so proud of her. She's handled the lost of Amy surprisingly well unless she's just focusing on Ruby but either way she's doing good. Liam on the other hand is throwing himself into alsorts. He's wanting to be a dad but he can't be left alone with Ruby. He wont grieve for Amy and it's fucking him up more. I know my brother and he needs to grieve sooner rather than later for Ruby's sake if anything.
"Bro you wanna take Ruby for a walk?" I ask him as she's aloud to leave the house now properly.
"Yeah sure, you coming?" Liam asks me and I nod.
"If you want me to bro" I tell him with a smile. I go grab the coat and mittens my angel left out for me and give it to Liam to dress her.
"Here put these on her with the mittens aswell first" I tell him the instructions that Angelica left me.

Strolling around the streets to a nearby park with Liam pushing his baby girl is weird but blissful. Now let's see if I can get anything out of him.
"How you feeling bro?" I ask him hoping he'll open up.
"I can't believe Amy's family brother, how dare they blame Ruby for her dying.. How is any of this her fault. And I didn't even get to say goodbye. Her family took her body and banned us both from the funeral" he tells me and I can't even believe he's been going through this alone. He didn't need to, he has us. Me and my angel.
"Bro why didn't you tell me this? I could of helped or something" I tell him holding his shoulder. We stop at a bench and take a seat looking into the pushchair at a now sleeping baby girl. She's so good and perfect. She looks adorable in her pink and white coat that my angel bought her. She's been out shopping every day on her lunch break and bought.. Alot!
"No one can help me with how I'm feeling. I don't know how to process it bro. I'm just lost right now" he tells me and i feel for him. He's lost alot and I don't know how to make this better for him. I'm practically all he has left.
"Everyone I love dies on me or moves on" he says putting his head down. I hold his shoulders and comfort him.
"You have your baby girl, me and Angelica Liam. Where going nowhere brother" I tell him and he shakes his head at me.
"You can't promise me that brother. But please don't. I don't know how much more I can take if one of you three left me, I don't know what I'd do" he tells me looking at Ruby.
"You gotta be strong for your baby girl Liam. I know it's hard and I know what you're like" I tell him as we begin to stand and make our way back home.
"How can I grieve when I can't be without my baby girl. I need to do it alone you know this Jason" he tells me and I know he's right.
"You have no choice bro, you know Ruby's safe with us" I tell him as I take over pushing the pushchair.
"Of course I know that. I just don't want to leave her" he tells me with a sad smile.

"Oh my god where did you take my baby" My angel says as soon as we enter the house. Liam laughs and God it's a welcoming sound.
"We went for a walk angel, she's fine but due a bottle soon so we came home" I tell her smiling. She takes Ruby into the kitchen while me and Liam go into the Living room.
"Nows your time alone Bro, Ruby's fine with us. Do you. What do you need?" I ask him but he drops on the sofa shaking his head no.
"I need to be fully alone bro so one more night with my princess then I'll leave for abit, get my head together if that's alright" he asks and I smile at him sitting next to him.
"Whatever you need bro, am here for you always. Whenever you want to see Ruby she'll be here waiting for her daddy" I tell him making him chuckle again.
"I love that word.. Daddy. I can't wait to hear her say it to me" he says happily thinking off the future. That's a good sign. When his mum died he couldn't even think about the next day. Switching the tv on I give Liam the remote and let him choose.
"Let me go tell Angelica" I tell him and he nods at me looking back to the TV. Walking into the kitchen I see my angel holding Ruby feeding her in her arms. And I love the sight of it. I want this but with our baby.
"Angel I need to talk to you" I tell her and she looks up at me smiling.
"OK what isit Ace?" she asks looking at me then back at Ruby.
"Liam's going to stay one more night then leave for awhile..."
"He's taking Ruby?" she interrupts me and I shake my head chuckling.
"Let me finish angel, he's going alone. We're looking after her until he feels better OK?" I ask her and she's beaming with joy.
"Oh my god really. Is he going to be OK tho?" she asks me concerned and it makes me love her so much more.
"He's going to be OK angel, don't worry. You concentrate on Ruby" I say kissing her.
I hope he is going to be OK. She lefted him and now Amy. Fuck!

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