Chapter 102 Liam's POV

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"Victor where are you I need a favour and you'll get the rest" I say down the phone hoping he gets it.
"I'm listening, I'm at home" he says
"I need you to find someone. I'm on my way now" I tell him and hang up speeding down the streets. Thank God he lives close.

Pulling up I jump out and jog to his house letting myself in.
"Again Liam, learn to fucking knock man" he says annoyed at me but I just close the door behind me and hand him the picture.
"I've seen him around" he tells me and that makes it easier for me.
"If you can find him and hold him for me I'll pay you the other £50k after" I tell him and he peaks ups. Yeah I said what I said.
"Seriously. No shit?" he says smiling at me.
"Yeah so let's get going now" I tell him taking the picture back
"Call me as soon as you've seen him" I tell him and turn around to leave Victor following me out as he grabs his coat.

Driving round the area he lives and I don't see him anywhere. Fuck! I grab my phone and call Jason.
"Bro. Anything?" I ask him and he huffs out frustrated.
"Nothing my ways. Where the fuck is he?" he stresses down the phone.
"It's cool bro, Victor will find him he's a hunter" I tell him knowingly with a smile.
"Alright let me know" he says and we hang up.

Hearing my phone ring on the passengers seat I grab it and see Victor's name flash. Yes!
"Yo, I've found what you wanted. Meet me at mine asap" he tells me and I'm fucking buzzing. But now I have to pay him.
"Yeah I'll be there." I tell him smiling and hang up.
Calling Jason back he picks up quick.
"Bro come to Victor's now" I state and hang up needing to grab the cash from mine.
I make a detour to my house and pull up.
Unlocking the door I walk in and it feels airy and weird being her after a while.
I kinda miss it in a way but it's still getting sold.
I jog up the stairs taking two at a time and go into the nursery. Pulling the cot out I lift up the rug and a few of the floor boards and grab the bag I left Victor's money in. Putting everything back how it was I make my way down the stairs in a rush and lock up jogging back to my car and speeding off.

Arriving at Victor's I climb out grabbing the bag and see Jason's car parked up. Good he's here. I walk up to the door and knock to prove a point and wait. No one comes. Fuck sake. Walking in I shut the door behind me and hear voices come from the kitchen.
"I fucking knocked you didn't answer so here I am" I say cocky with a smirk and Victor just shakes his head at me.
"Yeah is that for me" he says pointing to the bag. Nodding I throw the bag towards him and he catches it looking inside. Smiling he looks up at me with a cheesy grin.
"Thanks man" he says and takes the bag upstairs leaving me and Jason with this Tobias guy.
"So what you wanna do?" I ask Jason who just sits there watching him.
"I haven't thought that far ahead to be honest." he says shrugging and looks at me.
"What do you mean you haven't thought that far ahead. You know he needs to die. So stand the fuck up and let's do this" I tell him sternly. He looks up at me and raises an eyebrow.
"I know brother, I'm fucking thinking. So give me some peice and quiet" he tells me irritated. I just laugh and grab a knife from Victor's stack on the counter.
"Either you do it or I will" I say standing over Tobias who is making alsorts of noises and trying to break free. Bless him.
"FUCK! Just give me the knife before you hurt yourself Liam" he mocks and I look at him and we both laugh.
"Seriously bro. I can do it no one needs to know" I tell him seriously. I got him always.
"No I got this brother, give me the knife" he says holding out his gloved hand.
Without blinking he stares at me and rams it into his neck.
"Fucking hell, Savage bro" I say laughing watching the blood squirt out.
He twists the knife and yanks it back out still staring at me.
"You happy" he asks me and throws the knife into the sink and walks off.
Victor walks into the kitchen and stops instantly.
"What the fuck man. Not in my house" he moans.
"Shut the fuck up or you'll join him. Now your helping me get rid of the body and the knife" I tell him pointing at Tobias limb corpse. He's definitely dead. I take my phone out and take a pictures of him for Jason and I need to go find him. But after I've cleaned up this mess fuck I hate this part.

After wrapping the body in dust sheets we wait till dark and carry him out to Victor's car and drive to a remote area and bury his body.
Jumping back into his car he drops me off back at his and I climb out.
"I just paid you. Least you can do is clean up your own house" I say smirking and walk off.

Arriving back at 'home' I knock the door and walk in. I hear raised voices coming from the living room so I dip off up the stairs quietly and go straight to my room for a shower. I don't wanna get in the middle off what ever that was.

Stepping out the shower and I can still hear them arguing. Fuck I've never heard them going at it. Ever!
I quickly dry and pull on some clothes and jog down the stairs. Ignoring them in the kitchen I grab my princess from the living room and make my way back up the stairs with my sleeping girl. She doesn't need to hear this.

Meeting Darkness | DARKNESS SERIES #2 ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon