Chapter 34 Jason's POV

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Lastnight I showed my angel a little side of me she hasn't experienced yet. She seemed to really enjoy herself cumming all over my dick in the jacuzzi and then in bed for most of the night.
I look over to my sleeping angel and see the marks I left on her and feel guilty. What did I do to my angel?
I try to reign in my rage at myself and get up to pour myself a whiskey. It's 5 oclock somewhere I thought not caring. I check my phone and see I have a message from Robbie. What the fuck does he want now.

Robbie: If you hurt one single hair on her head your fucking dead!

I stare at my phone and think to just punch my fist through the screen as it lays on the kitchen counter. Who the fuck does he think he is. I need to make him understand she's mine. And mine only! Wait till I get back you little prick!
I don't even dignify him with a response.
Putting my phone into my pocket, I pour myself a much needed drink. Even more now.
So I have Roman missing her and now Robbie's becoming obsessed. I will fuck them both up if they think they can have her.
"She's fucking MINE" I growl loudly and slam the glass down spilling dark liquor onto the counter. I wipe it up and down my drink going back to bed.

Waking up with my angel is bliss. She's asleep in my arms and nothing will ever feel better than having her here with me, wherever we are. I can't believe she agreed to live together. We just got to figure out who's? Or maybe a new place?
She stretches out besides me and her eyes pop open with a slow sexy smile.
"Morning handsome" she says in a sleepily voice and I love it.
"Morning my angel" I kiss her and let her use the bathroom first.

Stepping out the shower and doing my usual morning routine I watch my angel get dressed and bend over to put on her shoes. "Damn angel. Keep that up, we'll be back in that bed" I tell her and slap her ass caressing it after. I love it, it's so fucking Juicy.

Walking around linking fingers taking in all the things happening around us

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Walking around linking fingers taking in all the things happening around us. I love just being able to do this with her. Holding her hand and showing everyone that she's mine.
We stop at a little shop that sells little trinkets. I should grab Liam something atleast.
I grab a keyring with a picture of Monaco on it with his name printed in bold letters.
"This will do right?" I ask as she stands there looking for something aswell. Amy's name too I presume. What a tight pair we are I laugh spinning the trolley helping her out.
We grab a bunch of different sweets and chocolate to take back home aswell.
"I'll pay" she says with a serious face. I just nod my head and hand over the items not wanting to argue again.

Walking back to the hotel we take our time enjoying eachothers company. We walk through a market and I grab her by the waist and kiss her passinonaly. I don't know what came over me I just wanted to do it. So I did.
"What was that for Ace" she says opening her eyes and I still can't let go off her. I never want to, to be honest.
"Just felt like it baby" I tell her aming and carrying on walking.

Walking through the hotel we head to the elevator and step inside once the door open. There's about three other people in here so we move to the back and I step behind my angel she leans into me and relaxes waiting to head up to the top floor.
"You want to order room service angel?" I ask her in her ear and she nods against my chest.
Kissing the top of her head I stand here thinking about back home. I wonder how Liam is and what he's been doing? Hoping he's kept himself out of trouble for atleast a week for once. Everyone steps out leaving us alone and she spins wrapping her arms around my waist.
"Thanks you for bringing me with you" she speaks up and smiles shyly.
"I'll take you anywhere angel" I tell her and kiss her pink lips.

Entering the penthouse I grab the room service menu and look through it.
"I want a grilled cheese please" she calls out walking into the bedroom.
"Is that it angel?" I ask her wondering why she's not eating. Again.
"I'm not that hungry" she says walking back into me in a little crop top and booty shorts. She's going to be the death of me, I swear.
She sits on the sofa and switches on the tv.
"Shall we watch a movie and have a glass of wine?" she ask me and I can't think of anything better than having her all to myself like this.
"Sounds good angel" I say picking up the phone to order.

After ordering food and another bottle of wine I settle down on the sofa and she lays back on me. She's been awfully drained lately maybe somethings wrong? Jet lag? I don't know but I'll find out soon.

Meeting Darkness | DARKNESS SERIES #2 ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang