Chapter 15 Jason's POV

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After leaving my angel I head home to grab the stuff for Liam.
Heading back out with everything he'll need for awhile I jump into my car and drive off to the spot.

Pulling up I see the doors wide open again and I can't hear anything. Weird he would of come out this time expecting food.
I leave the stuff in the car and make my way to the door silently not knowing if anyone's inside. I look through the door creak and see Robbie tied up and Liam sat down infront of him.
"What the fuck is happening man" I yell at both of them. Today been a long day and there killing my buzz from my angel. Already.
"This weasel was sniffing around after you left, so I did what I do best" Liam says looking at Robbie still. Fuck sake.
"Robbie what the fuck you doing here?" I ask him getting annoyed with them all now.
"I followed you here that's all. I didn't realize you was leading me to a fucking maniac" he says looking at me with hard eyes.
"And what have I missed?" I ask Liam as I take a seat on the sofa infront of them.
"He's not long received a text from some bitch" he tells me and my interest is peaked. He throws me the phone and I look at the messages. There's so many, going back months. I see the name and freeze. Angel no. My fucking Angel. I feel my anger burning through me. How the fuck does he know her?
"So am I making it two today bro?" I hear Liam say pulling me from my spiraling thoughts.
"What? Yes. No. I don't know. Fuck" I get up and start pacing thinking what to do.
"Stop with the fucking pacing. Yes or No?" Liam says annoyed. I really don't know to be honest.
"What do you mean two? What did you do?" Robbie interrupts.
"Shut the fuck up. You did all this. You lied about the job. You followed me out here like some fucking sheep now your asking ME questions?" I laugh harshly.
"What the fuck you mean he fucked the job" Liam beasts standing up now looking between us both. I run my hands through my hair trying to reign in my anger.
"Will someone fucking answer me before I just kill him now" Liam says pulling out a knife. I look at him cocking my head to the side.
"Woah, what the fuck man. BRO come on help me here" Robbie says looking at me. Without knowing I quickly put myself between them and hold my hand up to Liam.
"Put the knife down. Know one else is dying today brother" I tell him and I see him visibly calm down. Thank God.
"Just tell me the truth, don't lie to me bro. What did you mean?" Liam says to me calmly. I drop my head with my hand on his shoulder and shake it slowly.
"Robbie is who I got the info for the job off" I tell Liam. He backs away from me holding his knife again tighter. Fuck.
"I can't have you fucking MY Angelica. You need locking up!" Robbie shouts suddenly pulling me out my thoughts and I instantly turn to him clenching my fists.
"What did you just say?" I growl at Robbie. Please tell me it's not why he set him up. Fuck!
"I ain't fuck no bitch called Angelica. But I will fuck you with this knife" Liam says stepping towards Robbie.
"Bro she ain't know bitch" I warn Liam not caring about the knife in his hand.
"That's my angel" I tell them both.
"She's fucking MINE. UNDERSTAND?" I growl angrily at them.
"Say no more bro" Liam says understanding but Robbie seems hesitant.
"You.. She's fucking YOU!" Robbie spits with disgust looking me up and down.
I look at him ready to just bash his face in until I see blood and nothing else.
With that thought I look over to Liam and he drops the knife stepping around me, he throws his fist into his face making the chair drop backwards.
"Don't ever disrespect my brother like that again. Ya hear me!" Liam says burning with rage.

Heading out of the area to a secluded lake, Liam follows behind in his car. We're finally going to get rid of everything as the house isn't a safe spot now because of that dick Robbie. I pull up away and watch as Liam drives up closer putting a brick on the pedal he jumps out and watches the car bubble and start to sink. He cleans the gun and launches that out aswell with a splash he heads back to get in my car.
"Now what?" he asks me sitting down now looking at me. I shrug my shoulders and spin around to drive home.
"Tell me about your angel then bro" he suddenly asks after sometime.
"There's nothing to really tell, it's just new" I say back hoping to avoid this conversation.
"Don't try that shit. Tell me. I seen how you feel about her earlier bro" he says to me looking out the window.
"Do we have to really do this Liam?" I say feeling weird and slightly awkward.
"Well if my best friend and brother has fallen head over heels inlove with an angel. Then yes! We need to talk about it" he tells me now looking back over at me giving me that fucking look.
"Inlove? What you talking about" I say glancing over at him now thinking am I?
"You obviously are. I've never seen you like this before bro" he slaps me on the shoulder and smiles at me.
"Fucking hell. That's deep brother" I tell him chuckling shaking my head. I think about what he said. Am I inlove with my angel?

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