Chapter 47

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Sitting in McDonald's with Amy and I just realized she isn't eating anything.
"What's wrong babe. You love McDonald's" I ask her surprised. She lives for this junk.
"I'm not feeling to good. Foods not on my mind lately" Whoa her not eating is strange.
"You sure your not pregnant" I say laughing but she looks at me with a worried, scared face. Shit!
"I don't know Angelica" she says putting her head in her hands. Double shit!
"Let's go find out. Now!" I say jumping out my chair and putting my empty boxes in the trash. Amy throws her food and we grab our drinks walking out.
"Where we going?" She asks me as I hook my arm through hers.
"Chemist, it's up there" I point to the left as we turn the corner. She looks to where I'm pointing and offers me a small smile. What's she going to do if she is?

"Grab one of every brand Amy." I tell her starting at my end of the shelves.
Walking to the check out I pay for all seven tests and Amy calls a cab.

Walking through my front door I head straight to the kitchen and grab a glass of water for her and we go into my bedroom putting down my bag I escort Amy into the bathroom. Opening all the pregnancy tests for her.
"Pee on them all Amy" I tell her with a smile and leave her to it.
Pacing outside the bathroom I think it's been awhile.
"You've been in there a while Amy.. Are you OK?" I ask knocking on the door. Opening it I see her just stood there.
"Angelica I'm.. I'm pregnant" she stutters and bursts out in tears.
I wrap my arms around her body and hug her tightly rubbing my hand up and down her back soothing her a little. Well I hope. Shit what's Liam going to say or do? Are they even ready for this.
"Are you OK? Can I get you anything. Do you want me to call Liam?" I rush out a bunch of questions not really knowing what to do.
"I'll tell Liam soon please can you keep this to yourself for now" she asks me and I don't know. I like Liam, we've become close and I don't want to lie to him.
"Please Angelica. I promise I'll tell him I just.. I just need some time to process it" she tells me and I understand her.
"OK. But please don't take to long. He deserves to know Amy" I say looking at her seriously.
"I know. He will I just need time" she says with a sad smile.
We walk out of the bathroom and sit on my bed in silence.
"What you going to do Amy?" I ask her not really knowing what she wants.
"I don't know. I wanted to have children of course, but we've only just started dating, he might think it's to soon and I'm trapping him. Shit what if he leaves me Angelica?" she starts to cry and my heart hurts for her.
"He won't leave you Amy" I tell her knowing that he does deep down love her. How does she not see it already.
"Are we going back to work? Or shall I ring and tell them your sick?" I ask her rubbing up and down her arm gently.
"I need to go home Angelica" she says and starts to stand up grabbing her bag.
She orders an Uber and we walk down stairs to leave.
"I'll see you soon babes. Thankyou for everything" she says hugging me, I hug her back and pull away with a smile.
"Your welcome babes, I'm here if you need me. For anything day or night." I tell her and she nods at me with a smile growing.
"I know, thanks" she says and her Uber pulls up.

Arriving at work I apologize for being late and tell them I had took Amy home as she is sick. I don't think they brought it but didn't say anything about it either. Thank God.
Sitting down at my work station my client shows up and i prepare her for her full set of acrylics and pedicure.
"Hey Stacey, you doing alright" I ask her remembering her problem from before.
This afternoons going to be long. I miss Ace aleady. His beautiful smiling face.

Finishing up with Stacey going over into my next appointment I see my next client only just arrive. Great timing I thought. Looking over at her as Stacey goes to pay she waves quickly saying hi and walks across to me.
"Hey Jennifer, how's the kids" I ask laughing.
"Let's not even talk about thoses wild beasts" she laughs aswell.

Finally done I check the time and see its just after 5pm. Home time I though happily. Today's been a long day and I can't wait to get home. Packing up my area I grab my bag and phone from the drawer and walk out with a quick bye and wave to the girls. I think about Amy as I walk to my car and how she's going to tell Liam. I hope he's gonna be happy about this.
Pulling off I make my way home and think about what to make for dinner as Ace ain't going to be back till tonight I decide to detour and pick up a subway.

Arriving home I set up my sandwhich and eat in silence. Scrolling through my social media I receive a text from Robbie.

Robbie: Yo Angelica. I miss you when can we meet up?

Shit! Robbie what am I going to do about him?
I can't see him after everything that's happened. Jason will flip surely..

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