Chapter 108 Liam's POV

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Waking up at my mother's graveside is a welcoming sight. I just wish it was actually her and not a head stone. I check my pockets and realize I've had a blanket thrown over me. Must be by the same guy that works here. He's done the same thing every year for the past four years the first time he tried to kick me out until I put him in his place with my fist in his face, now he just leaves me to it and throws a blanket over me instead.
Thinking about lastnight and I'm a little stuck. It's hazy as fuck. I remember Jason calling and telling him to watch my princess and then errr.. Quetsia kept calling and I was fucking damn right rude to her. Fuck! I rub my head trying to remember how I even got here. Feeling the hangover sink in harder I drop back on the floor. What's the point. Checking my phone I see that's it nearly 1pm. Wasn't I suppose to do something? What was it? I think staring at my phone and suddenly it rings. Dropping it on my chest I grab it and see Jason on the screen. Swiping to answer I put the phone to my ear.
"Bro?" I say half cut still. Wow my voice is deep. Fucking hell.
"Liam, where are you brother? I'm on my way to see mum" he tells me making me smile. The first time today.
"I'm already here. Bring me some food bro and a bottle of something for this hangover." I tell him feeling shit.
"Already got you a breakfast cob and a miniature, I know you" he tells me and I laugh at him.
"I'll be there in like five, now don't move" he tells me and hangs up.
Sitting up I lean my head against the head stone and try think of everything from yesterday and lastnight. What fucking happened?

Seeing Jason pull up at the curb he flashes his lights at me like he does everytime waking me up further. Dick.
I watch him grab something from the seat next to him and climb out the car with a bag. My food I think licking my dry lips. I need a drink man. Dehydrated to fuck.
"Bro gimme a drink I'm dying" I call out with my hand out. He throws me the bottle of water and I down it quick time needing it.
"Better, how you feeling" he asks me and I look up at him holding a big bouquet of flowers too. Her favourite flowers.
"Like shit, gimme this little one then I can eat and get home" I tell him holding out my hand for the stuff. He takes out his food and bottle then hands me the bag with mine.
We crack them open and clink the bottoms.
"To you mum happy birthday, we love you" we both say the same line we always say. And down the bottle.

Finally arriving back at Jason's I feel weird about going inside. I think I can remember being horrible to Angelica but it's a little blurry.
"Bro, what happened in the hotel?" I ask him before he goes to climb out. He looks at me with a raised brow and doesn't look impressed.
"I didn't go in. My angel did and she said you shouted something about mum at her." he tells me and I can remember little bits now. Fuck!
"I didn't mean to shout at her I was just shouting in the moment bro. You know this don't you." I tell him not wanting him to be pissed at me.
"I know that just don't do it again brother. She's not use to you like this like I am. Just chill she's cool and understands now" he says and climb out the car. I jump out after him thinking I need to apologise but after I've had a shower and freshen up I fucking stink. I miss my princess too. But she doesn't need to see me like this either.
Walking into the house I jog straight up the stairs and drop my bag making my way into my bathroom quickly turning the shower on. Stripping out the clothes I throw them to the basket and jump in letting the hot water wash away all the grime and bullshit from lastnight.

Walking down the stair I hear voices in the living room and decide its now or never.
"Hey you" Angelica says as soon as she sees me. OK weird she really is OK.
"I'm sorry love for yesterday. I shouldn't of acted that way to you" I tell her feeling guilty after everything she's done for me.. Us.
"It's OK Liam. I'm over it. Now come see your baby girl crawl" she says and I instantly smile walking around to see her on the floor on all fours. My princess is growing up so quick.
"Dada Dada" she crawls a little then shuffles over to me pulling herself up the sofa.
"Hello princess. Daddy missed you" I tell her and kiss her face repeatedly hugging her to my chest.
Smiling up at me I can't help but think of my mum. She would of loved her so much and spoiled her rotten. Closing my eyes I kiss Ruby's head wishing she would of known her nana.
"You know Liam, Quetsia rang me last night crying. Says you was horrible. Wait, no vile to her" Angelica says randomly.
"To be honest I don't really remember that part. I told her to leave me alone and she kept calling and calling so she got what she got" I tell her shrugging. I have all I need in this room. For now..
"You need to call her and explain or apologise.. Something because she keeps calling me too" she says rolling her eyes at me.
"I'll sort it love. I'm sorry she involved you" I tell her not looking or feeling fucking impressed at all. We need fucking words.
No one's comparing to my queen.

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