Chapter 104

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Leaving the kitchen to go call Jason is weighing heavy on my heart. What do I even say to him? Do I apologize? No.. I don't know fuck!
Sitting on my bed I stare at my phone and click to his contact. Jason.. The name just stares back at me. What do I do?
Finally hitting call I put the phone to my ear and wait.. Impatiently.
"Angel, I'm so sorry" he says in a rush before I have chance to speak.
"Hi.. Err.. Where are you?" I ask him missing him. Fuck sake. I roll my eyes at my thoughts and listen to him.
"I'm at work but I can leave right now. I miss you angel" he tells me and I smile glad that he feels the same way I do. Shit.
"I miss you too Jason. If your not busy can we meet for lunch we really need to talk" I tell him nervously.
"Yes. Of course when ever your ready baby. I just need to see you" he says and I can hear the sadness in his voice. I feel more guilty now. Sighing I lay back on the bed and stare at the ceiling.
"I can leave Ruby with Liam and come sooner. Meet me at the café near the old salon" I say sitting back up.
"Yeah that's fine angel I'll be waiting for you. I love you" he says making me smile again.
"I love you too. See you soon" I tell him and hang up.
I put my phone down and make my way to the bathroom. I need a shower ASAP.

After a long hot shower I stand at my closet looking for something to wear to meet Ace. I feel a little nervous for some reason but that might just be the morning sickness I've just relieved from my system.
Pulling out my black jumpsuit and Adidas trainers not feeling like wearing heels I get dressed quickly.
Brushing my hair as I look myself over in the mirror and just throw it into a high messy bun not bothering with it today and put on some lip balm. Done.
Grabbing my bag I throw everything I need into it and walk out my bedroom closing the door behind me.
Hearing alot of noise coming from Liam's room I walk over and knock on his door.
"Liam, you alright in there?" I ask through the door.
"Come in love" he says and I open the door to see him packing a few things for him and Ruby. What the fuck?
"Why you packing? You don't have to go Liam" I tell him feeling sad that he's leaving with my baby.
"I'm just going for a few nights love. Giving you and Jason some space and time to talk alone. Ruby will be fine and you can still see her if you want to" he says still packing.
"But I'll miss you both. Please don't go" I half beg not wanting him to take my baby girl away.
"Fine I'll go for the night then" he finally looks at me and smiles. That's gonna have to do.
"Where you going though? To a hotel?" I ask him knowing he won't go back to the house he has still.
"Yeah it's better that way I can't go back to that house Angelica" he tells me seriously and I nod my head understanding.
"OK. But just for tonight I want you back here for dinner tomorrow where all going to sit down and talk about somethings" I tell him pointing a finger being serious.
"OK ok. I'll be back don't stress yourself love" he says and hugs me tightly. I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head on his chest.
"I'm sorry about lastnight. I shouldn't of hit you Liam" I tell him sadly looking up at him as he pulls away looking down at me.
"I would of hit me too in that situation. I didn't think of how it would of looked from your perspective. My bad" he tells me and I nod with a small smile.
"Well I'll see you tomorrow then" I tell him walking over to Ruby to give her kisses and a cuddle.
"Hey baby girl" I say to her kissing her face.
"Mama" she says and my heart melts everytime I hear it.
"Mama will see you tomorrow baby. Be good for daddy." I tell her and cuddle her to me more. Turning with her I see Liam waiting by the door for her.
"I'll walk down with you and put her in your car" I tell him not wanting to hand her over yet.
Walking down the stairs with her and she plays with my hair and blows bubbles at me. Repeatedly saying "mama" to me smiling. Liam opens the front door and locks up behind me handing me my keys and unlocking his car I settle Ruby into her car seat.
"I'll see you soon baby. I love you" I tell her and kiss her again. Closing the door behind me. I look at Liam.
"Text me. Call me whenever you want OK" I tell him seriously making sure he knows.
"I know this love, I'll see you tomorrow" he tells me and kisses my cheek walking around to the drivers side. I watch him climb in and pull out. Waving bye I start to cry a little. Fuck sake Angelica.
With one last wave he's gone. I wipe my eyes and make my ways to my car to meet Jason.

Meeting Darkness | DARKNESS SERIES #2 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now