Chapter 70

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It's been just over a week since Liam left us with Ruby and I have to say I'm loving it. We're in a routine and she's sleeping through the night now. I can't wait to tell Liam.
"Ace you ready?" I call out to him as I stand in the bedroom holding Ruby. She's wide awake and looking at me smiling. That's new aswell. Always smiling at me or Jason.
Liam's coming home today and I'm so excited to see him. He sounded like his usual self and that makes me happy.
"I'm done angel" Ace says walking out the bathroom looking hot.
"Don't you look sexy Ace" I purr seductively at him making him growl at me.

Fastening Ruby into her car seat I make sure she's secure and strapped in properly before closing the door.
Ace opens my door for me and helps me in closing it behind me and I watch him walk around the car. Climbing in I check I have everything and pull my phone out seeing I have nothing yet from Liam.
Pulling off to the restaurant Ace holds my hand and steers with the other.

Arriving at the restaurant Ace takes out the pushchair while I grab Ruby from her car seat and put her into the carry cot. She's wide awake and I'm happy about that she's such a good girl.
Walking in as I push the pushchair people are staring at us. What? I thought looking around.
We're seated in a family area and I tilt Ruby so she can see us.
"Such a good girl" I coo at her and feeling a little sad it's my last day having her. I start back to work full time tomorrow after been off for a week already.
"She is a good girl, just like you angel" Ace says winking at me.
"You wish Ace" I say chuckling with a smile. The waiter appears and takes our drinks order before disappearing again.
I haven't had alcohol since looking after Ruby I'm looking forward to that when Liam's back. But I'd rather keep Ruby.

Ordering our food I think about what Ace asked me last night. Am I ready to have my own? Am I?
"You're going to be an amazing mum" Ace says randomly watching me with Ruby making me smile.
"Thanks baby. You'll be great too. I've seen you with her when you think I'm not looking" I tell him and I think I made him blush.
"You're not suppose to be watching me when you should be doing other things" he chuckles at me and I can't help the grin that appears.
Our food arrives and we start to eat before Ruby needs her feed.
"You looking forward to Liam coming back and giving us a break?" Ace asks me and I shake my head no at him.
"I don't want to give her back Ace" I say sadly and he knows the feeling I can see it all over his face.
"I know you don't angel but remember she's not ours" he tells me with a sad smile.
"I think I'm ready" I tell him and he stares at me smiling.
"You think or you know angel?" he asks looking at me still.
"I definitely know" I tell him smiling.
"I want a baby Ace" I say with a smile. I look at Ruby and hope for a girl aswell.
"Good. So do I angel, we'll start trying immediately" he says gleaming with happiness.
"Let's do that" I tell him giddy with excitement.

"You want dessert angel? We still have alot of time before Liam's back." he tells me but I just want to go home and cuddle Ruby before she goes.
"I want to go home Ace, spend some quality time with her before she goes. Plus she'll need changing and feeding soon" I tell him hoping he didn't want dessert.
"OK angel let me get the bill" he says holding up his hand and a waiter scrambles over to us handing Ace the bill.
"Thanks" he says and we start to get up to leave.

Pulling up at home I see Liam's car outside our house. He's early. Fuck!
Climbing out I go to Ruby and take the car seat out the car while Ace grabs the pushchair.
"Your early Liam" I say as he climbs out his own car. He runs over to me taking the car seat from me and kissing his baby girl. She smiles up at him and he looks at me.
"I told you she'd remember you" I tell him reassuring him from our phone calls we've been having.
"Thank you soo much love. You've done me a massive favour" he says and I brush it off.
"Trust me she enjoyed every minute" Ace says coming up behind me carring the pushchair.
"I bet. I want you to meet some one" Liam says as a girl steps out his car. She's the double of Amy. Shit
"Hi. I'm Jessica Amy's sister" she introduces herself but I just stand there staring at her. If she thinks shes taking over she has another thing coming.
"Angelica" I say bluntly not wanting to give up my baby. Is Liam replacing me.
"Hi I'm Jason, Liam's brother" Ace says politely and I just look at him.
"Nice to meet you both I've heard alot about you two" she tells us with a shy smile. Fuck sake. Liam's going to fuck her. I know it! Shit that's if he hasn't already
"Shall we go inside" Liam says looking at his baby girl.
"Yeah come on bro" Ace says leading the way up the drive.
What will happen now?

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