Chapter 88 Liam's POV

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After arriving home and relaxing back on my sofa smoking a nice fat spliff then falling asleep. I wake up and see that it's just past 2am. Fuck. I must of really needed that sleep. I sit up and check the texts that I have received.

Angelica: hey babes. You must be sleeping like I told you too. Ruby is doing OK. Come by tomorrow for dinner and stay over. I miss us all together x

Reading it makes me smile. I'm glad my princess is OK but I'm missing her already. I love being her dad. She makes me a better person.

Liam: Hi love. I've not long woke up. I really needed the rest. Thank you. I'm happy my princess is doing OK. I will swing by tomorrow with more of Ruby's things. I look forward to your food and will definitely be staying x

Hitting send I get up to get a drink. Walking into my kitchen I grab a bottle of water from my fridge. Opening it I take a swig and it relieves the dry feeling in my throat. Walking back into my living room and sit back down on my sofa to smoke another spliff. Sparking it I check to see the other text I've received.

Quetsia: Hey Liam. I'm back home tomorrow night. I'll look forward to seeing you again x

I feel my cheeks start to heat up reading it. Fuck. I can't wait to see her.

Liam: Hi beautiful. I can't wait to take you out on another date x

Hitting send I relax back and smoke some more of my spliff and my phone vibrates again.

Quetsia: I loved our last date and I'm looking forward to spending more time with you. I'd like to get to know you better Liam x

I smile at her text and think of the same thing. I wanna get to know her more intimately. I text her back quickly.

Liam: I'd like that too. Why don't you come on over to my house when your back x

I hit send and wait for her reply. My phone vibrates and her name pops up on my screen. She replies quick which I'm totally happy about of course.

Quetsia: That sounds like a plan. We can have a takeaway and make a night of it again x

You can have whatever you like sweetheart I think to myself with a smirk.

Liam: Yes takeaway and wine? x

I hit send and sit there thinking about our first date. We spent the night talking and having fun. We kissed a lot and cuddled but nothing else happened which is strange for me but I totally enjoyed myself. She replies which drags me from my thoughts.

Quetsia: Yes I love wine but we don't have to drink with Rudy in the house. I'll be happy with just a takeaway and spending more time with you x

I feel a wide smile spread across my face. She is thinking about my princess and her safety. I'm so happy about that.

Liam: My princess won't be here but thank you for being considerate. It means a lot beautiful. So we can drink if you would like too x

I hit send and finish smoking my spliff and she replies quick again.

Quetsia: OK well we will definitely have some wine then Liam. I need to sleep as I've got a busy last day. Good night x

That's a plan I think to myself. And text her back quickly.

Liam: OK beautiful. Good night x

I hit send and put my phone down on my table and get up to head upstairs to have a shower.

Stepping into my shower I let the water wash away my stressful days and wash through my hair as I scrape at my scalp aggressively. I wash my body with my lynx shower gel and rinse repeating the process.
Jumping out I dry my body and moisturize everywhere making sure my skins revitalised.

Standing infront of my closet I pull on my boxers and socks followed by black jeans and a black long sleeved t-shirt with my white Nike Air forces. I look my appearance over in the mirror and like what I see.

"Damn you look good" I say to myself touching my face.

I'm wide awake and I can't sit in this house alone all night long. It's nearly 4am and I want to know if Victor's done what I wanted. Going downstairs I go into the kitchen and make myself a coffee killing some time. I roll myself another fat spliff and take them to the living room flicking on the tv to check the news while my drink cools down.
"Shit man" I say as I read one of the story's. A family all got shot dead in there house and the house got burnt down. Fucking hell this is not what I paid for.
Atleast I don't have to worry about them taking my princess anymore. They've joined Amy. Good..
I sip my drink and scroll though the rest seeing what's been happening while I was away. Couple murders and house fires.
That's happening alot round here. Jeez

Before I know it it's 7am and I want to see Victor. He has some explaining to do I ain't paying him anymore till he does. Man's on some shit.
Leaving my house I lock up and make my way to my car. Jumping in I start the engine and pull off to his house. He better be there.

Pulling up I see lights on so I jump out and make my way to the door trying it to see if it's open. Thank fuck it is.
I walk in looking around.
"Victor" I roar and I hear movement upstairs. I stand at the bottom waiting for him to come down.
"Liam.. How did you get in here?" he asks jogging down the stairs not impressed that I let myself in.
"Never mind that. We need to talk.. Now!" I tell him walking into his kitchen and sitting at his table. He follows me in and sits down facing me.
"Look I know it didn't go to plan. But..." he starts but I interupt.
"No fucking shit Victor. I saw that shit on the news I said a fucking accident man jeez" I stress shaking my head. I like his style tho. Not that I'll tell him that.
"It was either that or nothing. They were never together, always in separate cars and shit. I just took a risk and it worked out" he says as a matter of fact then shrugs like it's all good. He still technically did the job. Abit over board but still it's done.
"Do you think you deserve the rest of the money?" I ask him leaning back into my chair smug.
"I do. I did the job brutally.. Just how you wanted it really Liam don't lie" he says and chuckles at me. This guy thinks he knows me.
"Look you did a good job. You did half of what I asked so I shouldn't pay you the rest" I tell him and he looks pissed
"But.. This time I'll pay you the rest as I'm feeling in a good mood. Don't fuck up again" I tell him seriously. He smiles at me rubbing his hands together happy.
"Meet me at that same park, lunch time I'll give you the rest" I tell him getting up.
"Yeah I'll be there" he tells me and I look at him remembering something.
"Did you do it alone?" I ask watching his face drop. Fuck!
"Who was it.. Fucking Robbie?" I ask knowing it was and his face says it all.
"Yeah. But he's cool man you know this" he tells me and I shake my head at him.
"If he blabs he's next. Understand?" I tell him pointing in his face. He nods his head and looks away pissed. Good.
"Lunch time Victor. Don't be late" I call out as I walk away out the house and back to my car. I need to see my princess.

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