Chapter 59

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"Angelica, the next client is here" I hear Amy call out from the reception. She quit her job and became my receptionist till she goes on maternity leave. I'll hire her when she's ready to go back to work as my technician. She can do it all. Hair, nails and makeup.
"Send them through Amy, Seline's ready for them" I call out to her.
I see a girl come into the salon with a baby in it's pushchair and I instantly get up wanting to see the baby.
"Oh my god, she's adorable and so small" I tell the mum making her smile.
"Yeah she looks like her dad" she says rolling her eyes. She obviously doesn't like her baby daddy. How fun.
"Seline's ready for you hun" I tell her and she walks off leaving me with her baby. What the fuck do I do? This isnt part of my job description. I push the pushchair out into Amy and I look at her lost.
"You might aswell get the practice in now babes" I tell her laughing. She takes the baby but it looks so familiar. Why?

"Thanks Angelica, I feel so much better now. Being a single mums hard work" she says rolling her eyes again flipping her hair over her shoulder.
"You look incredible, show the baby dad what he's missing" I tell her chuckling then smile. She must have a thought because her face changes into a huge smirk.
"You know what. I will babes thanks for watching her" she says gesturing to the baby in the pushchair.
"It's OK she's asleep still, such a good baby clearly" I tell her and she nods.

After a long first day at the salon I finally finish and it's 7pm. All the girls left and I'm just here checking everythings switched off and ready to lock up.
Grabbing my coat and bag I head out and lock the door behind me. Feeling my phone ring I look at the caller I.D baffled. Who the fuck?
"Hello?" I question answering.
"Thank God love, it's Liam. I've been arrested I need you to tell Ace" he says and I'm lost for words. What the fuck!
"Are you serious Liam? How could you do this to Amy. Now of all times" I complain.
"Calm down, I need him to get me a lawyer asap. I don't think I'll be getting out without one this time" he tells me and I run my hand through my hair pulling at the strands.
"I'll call him now where shall I tell him you are?" I ask him not having a clue about this shit.
"Usual police station, he'll know" he says quickly.
"OK he'll be with you shortly I hope so anyway. Why would you do this Liam" I ask again stupidly.
"I need to go love but get him asap please" he tells me and hangs up. I look at my phone confused. What the actual fuck man.
I climb into my car and scroll to Jason hitting call.
"Angel, you OK? Where are you?" he asks in a panic. Bless him
"I'm leaving work now, where are you Liam needs you asap Ace" I tell him starting my engine and pulling out.
"Why what's happened now?" he sighs knowing his brother.
"He says he needs a lawyer and he's at his usual police station" I tell him turning a corner and speed down the streets to get home quickly.
"FUCK!" He shouts and it must be bad.
"He called you Ace aswell. Which is weird he knows only I call you that" I tell him and it's quite for awhile.
"Baby?" I ask and I hear rummaging on the other end.
"I'm here angel, I need to call my lawyer aswell, I'll see you when you get home OK. I love you" he says and hangs up. OK rude.
What's happening? I'm so confused right now.

Running through the front door I hear Ace talking in the kitchen.
I stand there listening to his conversation.
"What do you mean, he needs out of there soon, like now" he stresses to someone. I can only hear one side of the conversation he must be on the phone and that's fucking annoying.
"OK, see you tomorrow Richie, bye" he says and hangs up.
"What's happening Ace?" I ask him walking in needing to know.
"It's not looking good and he's keeping me out of it. Shit" he exclaims and I have no idea what's going on in his head right now. What shall I do?
"How can I help?" I ask him needing to do something, anything to try help Liam.
"I need you to tell Amy. It will be better coming from you angel" he says pulling me into his arms. He hugs me tightly and something feels off. I can't loose him. And Liam. Fuck sake. Men...
He let's go off me after awhile and I pull my phone out to call Amy.
Waiting for her to answer and it goes straight to voicemail. Fuck sake.
Trying again she picks up finally
"Angelica where's Liam? I haven't heard from him all day is he at yours?" she asks and I'm about to rock her world. Literally.
"Erm... Liam's kind of in the police station. He's been arrested and Ace is getting him a lawyer. We're hoping she can help him out of this situation" I tell her feeling her sadness through the phone she starts to break down into tears. Fuck.
"I'm sorry Amy do you want me to come over. Would you like to stay here with us?" I ask her not knowing what's best.
"No I'm OK, I'll see you at work tomorrow" she tells me and hangs up. Wait what? She really just hung up on me. She's probably broken down crying. I need to do something.
Fucking Liam!

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