Chapter 85

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So today's the last day of our holiday and I'm sad like last time that its over. But looking forward to getting back to my salon. I haven't heard a thing so I'm hoping the place hasn't burnt down or anything.
"Angel you want to order delivery and we can set up our own little date in her while prinnys asleep?" Ace asks me and I grin up at him from the bed.
"Yes baby, I'd like that. I hope Liam has fun on his date. He should of left by now" I say checking my watch. It's nearly 7pm and I need to pack for tomorrow aswell.
"I'll go order something nice angel, you carry on" he say gesturing to my clothes.
I look for a dress to wear and pick my new black one. Pulling it on I look over myself in the mirror.


Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Perfect. I look good.
I pack quickly while Ruby's still asleep and Ace is ordering. Sitting on the suitcase to zip it up and having trouble. Just like Monaco. Fuck sake I huff out.
"You need help.. Wow angel you look stunning baby" he tells me coming up to me to help. He kisses me quickly and swiftly closes up my case.
"Thanks baby" I tell him kissing him again.

Walking into the living room I see the table laid to perfection and it looks amazing. Ace really does go all out for me.
"Dinners served my fiancé" he says with a grin and I can't help the smile that speads across my face.
"It looks beautiful in here.. fiancée" I say blushing testing the word out loud.
"I love what your wearing angel" he says licking his lips at me.
"I thought you'd appreciate it" I say winking at him.
He pulls out my chair and I sit down while he sits next to me.
Hes ordered Chinese and it's just what I was wanting.
"You looking forward to going back home tomorrow angel"
"Yeah I hope the salons doing OK Ace I'm a little nervous" I tell him honestly.
"It's going to be fine angel don't worry. You'll be back there in know time" he says stroking down my cheek affectionately.
I tuck into my food and it tastes amazing. I could get used to this. Ace wining and dining me for the rest of our life's. Yeah!

Hearing my phone go off I grab it and see a text from Liam.

Liam: Hi love, how's my princess doing? Do you need me.. Plus my dates going great x

Rolling my eyes at him playfully I send a quick text back.

Angelica: Hi babes, You know she's always OK when with us. Don't worry just have fun. I'm glad your getting along use a condom! X

Hitting send I laugh at my text and Ace looks at me.
"Liam asking how baby girl was? I told him to have fun and use a condom" I tell him laughing making him laugh.
"We better have one before he does again for fuck sake." he says shaking his head. I hope so too. Fingers crossed somethings cooking now. Please god.

Finishing up our food Ruby wakes up so I get up and go see to her. She's going to want changing and feeding.
"I'll make her a bottle angel you go" he says seeing me hesitate on what to do first.
"Thanks baby" I tell him making my way into the bedroom to her. Picking her up I settle her onto my bed grabbing a nappy from the changing bag. I quickly undress the bottom half of her and change the dirty nappy for a fresh one making sure she's clean everywhere. I redress her just as Ace walks back in with her bottle.
"Bottle for my prinny" Ace says shaking the bottle at her, she whines a little wanting it and he takes the lid off picking her up and starts to feed her.
"You go choose a film angel while I sort this one, I'll be in soon" he tells me and that's what I do.

Relaxing back on the sectional sofa I wait for Ace to come out but he's taking long. What's he doing in there it's awfully quite. Getting up I make my way back into the bedroom and see them both asleep in the bed. Ace is cuddled up around Ruby and she's on her back. My babies. I put the cover over them lightly and make my way out. I hear voices in the hall way so I open the door and pop my head out. It's Liam and his lady friend. Wow she's beautiful just like he said. I step out to them and look at Liam with a smile.
"Hey" I say closing the door too a little.
"Hi love, how's my princess" he asks holding her hand. Aww cute
"She's fast asleep with Jason. So it's just me" I tell him with a smile.
"Come in for a drink with us love" Liam says walking up to me and pulling me along.
"I don't want to gate crash your date babes" I tell him smiling at them both.
"None of that love. Quetsia do you mind sweetheart" he asks her and she shakes her head smiling at me.
"No of course not, it'll be fun" she says to me. Fuck it why not.
"Ok.. Just one then" I tell them and walk into his suite.
"Your names different I love it" I tell Quetsia with a smile.
"Thanks babes it was my nanas middle name my mum wanted to be different. School was hard tho" she says laughing and I could imagine.

I ended up staying for more than one drink and really liking her. More than fucking Amy. She'll be good for Liam. I hope she accepts all of him.. If he decides to tell her.
"I'm going to leave you guys to it. It was nice meeting you hun" I tell them and begin to leave.
"I'll walk you back" Liam says but I shake my head no.
"It's OK I'm only next door. Have fun guys" I wink at Quetsia and she giggles at me.
"We will do babes. Bye" she calls out as I open the door. Hugging Liam bye I go to leave.
"Goodnight Love. I'll see you bright and early, love ya" he kisses my cheek and I close the door behind me heading back to my Ace and baby girl.

Meeting Darkness | DARKNESS SERIES #2 ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat