Chapter 74

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"Why are we all here Liam" I ask him not understanding.
"This is Victor love. Robbie's friend. You remember Robbie don't you" he says winking at me. I roll my eyes at him and think of what I did to him. Feeling guilty I nod my head and look at Victor. He's a good looking guy. Tall, tanned skin and toned.
"I need a favour" Liam says but I'm confused as to why I brought Ruby here for this.
"I need you to take someone or people out for me" Liam says and I just think what the fuck am I doing here?
"Do I need to be here Liam? Can I just take the baby and go" I ask him getting annoyed that he'd ask to meet up to discuss this.
"I need you here Angelica, chill love" Liam says to me and I roll my eyes at him again.
"What do you mean people.. Who?" Victor asks and I'm just sat there looking at Ruby thinking this is not going to be her life.
"Ruby's grandparents and there kids. I want the whole lot gone" Liam says in a deadly tone. Yeah he's being serious.
"And you can't do this yourself?" Victor asks Liam with a raised brow.
"Its hot for me to do it. I'll pay you man" Liam tells him and he peeks up.
"OK I'm listening" Victor says and Ace looks at me like he's sorry for bringing me into this world. He fucking should be.
"I'm going to take Ruby away on holiday as my alibi" Liam tells us and I look at him like are you serious.
"Are you crazy?" I ask Liam and he laughs at me.
"Your coming aswell love chill out" he says still laughing.
"And what you want me to do?" Victor asks Liam looking at him.
"Make it look like an accident but I need it done asap, the flights booked for tomorrow morning" Liam tells us.
"Wait.. Where we all going I do have a business Liam" I tell him annoyed that he's dragging me into this. Yet he's not just going to take her away again for God knows how long.
"We're going to where I've always wanted to go" he tells me and I stare at him shocked.
"No! You being serious?" I ask him surprised that he'd take Ruby there.
"Of course love. We deserve it" he tells me and I feel myself tearing up.. Again
"Oh my god. Ace we're going to fucking Amsterdam" I tell him wide eyed remembering the visits to jail and Liam constantly banging on about going there.
"I'd loved to of took you to New Orleans love but I can't enter America" he says shrugging but you can see in his eyes he looks hurt by that.
"It's OK Liam. Amsterdam will be fun" I tell him.
"So why yall are off on holiday I'm doing the job. When will I get paid?" Victor asks.
"Half now and the rest when it's done" Liam says handing me a bag. I look inside and my eyes fucking pop.
"How much is in here" I whisper-shout at Liam.
"50k love. Its nothing, my princess doesn't need them in her life" he says and I hand the bag over regretfully.
"Your going to pay me 100k.. Fucking sold" Victor says taking the bag and putting it inside his own.
"My princess needs this done Victor" Liam tells him and Victor nods his head.
"It'll be done don't you worry" he says with a massive grin on his face. Man's just made 50k for having a chat. Fuck!
"Well that's it call me" Liam says to Victor. He fist bumps him and Victor walks off in the same direction he came from.
"Liam are you serious, what about the adoption?" I ask him nervously.
"Don't worry love, that's still going ahead. Just incase anything happens to me she'll always have you two" Liam tells me. I smile up at him and get up to hug him.
"Nothing will happen to you Liam but thankyou for thinking of everything" I tell him pulling back and sitting down.
"I've made Ruby a trust fund and put half of my money into it aswell and I've made you both trustees aswell, here" he hands us more envelopes. More..
"Just need to sign them and I'll take them to the bank" he tells us with a smile.
"OK thankyou Liam it means alot that you trust us with your baby girl and her money" I tell him with a smile.
"Our baby girl, she's your twos just as much as mine. Now go home and pack for at least a week" he tells us and I jump up happily.
"What about Ruby's things I need to pack for her at your house" I tell him panicking a little.
"It's already done love calm down" he tells me with his hands on my shoulders.
"Are you taking her while we pack then?" Ace asks Liam and he nods.
"Yeah if that's cool, give you guys a break I'll come back tonight and stay at yours" Liam says to us as I give Ruby kisses goodbye.
"She's due a bottle soon so make sure you feed her and burp her after. Then change her. She'll fall asleep after that" I tell him handing the pushchair over.
"Yes mum" he says laughing at me.
"I have her car seat in my car. Fuck" Ace says thinking what to do.
"I have another one in my car bro chill it's good. I've got this" Liam says smirking. He's beginning to be a good dad.
Hes got everything planned and in order. Hopefully nothing or no one fucks it up.

Arriving back home and Ace pins me to the wall instantly.
"We have plenty of time to pack angel" he says kissing down my neck.
"We're finally alone angel let's make this baby" he growls at me and lifts me up pulling up me dress.
He pulls out his hard cock and moves my underwear to the side. Sliding into my wet pussy.
"FUCK" I gasp feeling filled by him he smirks at me and starts to fuck into me repeatedly slamming me up against the wall.

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