Chapter 2

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A/N: Angelica's work outfit above.

"Oh my god" I whine to myself as I feel the slight blur settle deeper into my brain. My head pounds a little and I'm not as bad as I though I would be waking up. I start to sit up slowly testing my head and its relatively OK. I feel a wave of sickness come and I hold my stomach. But then it's gone as quick as it came. Weird. I get up throwing back the covers and make my way to the bathroom. Brush my teeth and a hot shower is all I'm thinking of right now.
Turning on the shower I let the water heat up while I get undressed and look at the bird nest on top of my head. Taking out all the clips and bobbles, I run my fingers through the tangles of mess then brush my teeth. Rinsing my mouth I mouthwash then step under the steaming water. This is what I needed.

Standing infront of the full length mirror, ready for work admiring my look. Simple but sexy. I'm a beautician so I can wear heels and I'm happy about that. I live for shoes and boots and anything with a heel really.
I have 6 appointments today 2 nails, 2 eyelashes and 2 facials with waxes. Busy day and I'm looking forward to working. I shouldn't of drank last night when I got home. I was fine up un0til that point the cocktails didn't get me drunk. Shit my phone. I search for it and see i have another message from him. Persistent I like.

Jason: Morning beautiful. I hope you have a good day

Oh my god he's so cute. I hold my phone to my chest feeling happy. I could have this every morning. Nothings better than that morning text.

Angelica: I have a busy day today I hope yours is good too 😊

I hit send and put my phone in my bag grab my car keys and head out.
Starting the engine I hear my phone go off again. Smiling I start the music and drive off.

After 2 nail appointments and a facial I decided to check my message.

Jason: Have a few things to do aswell. You free after?

Shit. I nearly drop my phone. I haven't met anyone off this app in a long time. I'm kind of nervous now. What if he's a serial killer. Well he's hot so he can be. I hear my subconscious scream at me. He could be your bad boy you've been waiting for. I hear Sharee's voice in my head mocking me. What the hell.

Angelica: We can do tonight. I'll meet you.

Just incase. He doesn't need to know where I live. Yet anyways I think laughing as I put my phone away and head back inside for my next appointments.
"Angelica hunny" I hear the owner of the salon call me over. I excuse myself from Melissa my client and make my over to the boss and think she wants something straight away. Smiling at her she looks up at me from her seat
"I know your nearly finished but hun can you do me a favour" she says politely.
"Sure, what is it?" I ask knowing it's another client.
"I have a booking and the new receptionist double booked me and I need you to do the appointment. It should only take you 1hr tops" she says and I'm already nodding my head.
"Sure anything else you need. I have a client" I point to my area and she shakes her head waving me away.
"It's straight after your one hun" she calls out as I walk away.

Finally finishing work I look around and make my way to my car. Thinking about Jason and seeing him tonight. What the fuck do I wear? Shit. I speed out of the car park and make my way home quicker than normal.

Pulling up I climb out grabbing my bag and shut the door. I run to my front door and unlock it closing and locking it behind me. I make my way straight to my closet and look through all my clothes and shoes. Fuck. Where are we even going? What do I wear? Shit. I pull out my phone and message him hoping he's online.

Angelica: What type of place are we going to? I'm lost on what to wear 😅😂

I sit on my bed and wait for him to reply.. Nothing. Fucksake.
I go into the bathroom and undress and get into the shower not caring about waiting for the temperature to heat up. I wash my hair then condition it. Washing my body I scrub away the day and rewash again.
I switch off the shower and step out grabbing a towel for my hair I wrap it then wrap my body in another. I make my way back to my room and check to see if Jason has replied. Yes great. I smile instantly.

Jason: It's your choice. I'm wining and dining you.

That's it. As if that's helpful. Well it kind of is. That means restaurant, so something elegant but sexy. Of course.
I look though my closet again and find something.
I dry and use moisturizer and get out my black lace boob lifting lingerie thong set and slip into it. I take the towel off my head then pulling on the dress I smooth it over my curves. Moving over to my vanity I brush through the wet mess of hair and blow dry it straight. Straightening over it, making it perfectly fall down my back. I run my fingers through it sorting it and start to apply my makeup. Finishing up I apply bronzer to my cheeks and then apply dark red smudge free matt lipstick. Dabbing them with a tissue I take off the residue and test it. Good.
It's been awhile since I've been on a date, I'm nervous but it feels right. Not a deadly mistake. You know the kind.

Meeting Darkness | DARKNESS SERIES #2 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now