Chapter 77 Victor's POV

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"Fuck! Where the fuck are they" I slam my hand on the steering wheel pissed off.
I've been looking for Amy's family for the past two days now. For some reason they haven't been home. I need to ring Robbie and get him to look them sides.
Pulling out my phone I scroll to Robbie and hit call.
"Yo bro, what's good" he answers quickly saving me some time.
"I need your help man" I tell him in a rush. This needs to be done today.
"They ain't been home have you seen them around our ways?" I ask him and he hums at me.
"I have you know, well her sister anyways you want me to grab her quick time?" he asks me and I laugh at him. Trust this guy.
"Nah bro, I need them all together not separate fuck sake" I stress at the dimwit.
"Yo hold on bro, I see them.. I see them right fucking now. Come home asap I'll follow them" he says hanging up and I start my car rapid and speed off.

Pulling up at the spot where Robbie texted me I see his car. I creep over to him and roll down my window. He holds up his fist to me and I bump it.
"What's happening brother" I ask him needing to get this job done. There's alot of money riding on this job. God knows what Liam will do if I fuck this up.
"Making this look like an accident ain't going to happen. They have separate cars and hardly ever together" Robbie says and I hit my steering wheel pissed.
"Then what we just run in there and shoot them up like crazed masked men?" I ask sarcastically. But Robbie smiles at me.
This fucking guy I swear.
"Why not? Gets the job done, I want this money" he tells me and I laugh. He means my money bless him.
"We gotta be smart Robbie. Don't let the money cloud your judgment" I tell him shaking my head.
"I want to just get the job done Victor" he says annoyed.
"Listen the jobs going to get done. Chill out I need to think" I tell him and roll my window up blocking his childishness out. I need a clear head. Think Victor what you gonna do?
What shall I do? I need to do this now while there all here. I have petrol in my boot maybe? I have a loaded gun in my glove box and I have a balaclava ready on the passengers seat if needed. Fuck!
This looking like an accident shit is becoming harder than I thought. Either way it's getting done. I just hope Liam accepts what's about to happen. I pull on my balaclava and grab the gun putting down the back of my jeans and roll down the window again.
"You ready and packing? We're doing this now" I tell Robbie and he perks up grabbing his peice.
Climbing out our cars we close the doors quietly and make a dash for the house. They must be staying here. There about to die here too.
We make our way around the back and try the door and luckily it's unlocked. Thank fuck I breathe a sigh of relief as I creep in I make my way through the downstairs and no one's here.
"They must be upstairs" I whisper to Robbie who nods at me.
Making our way upstairs I hear voices coming from one room. We stand outside the door and look at each other. I hold my hand up and slowly count my fingers down from five letting Robbie know where going in.
Getting to zero I burst through the door and find all four of them. They scream and hold up there hands seeing our guns and cower away.
"Shut the fuck up, don't make a sound. I will shoot you" I tell them all
"All of you get on the bed now" Robbie says waving his gun at them.
"What do you want from us?" I assume that's the dad and I hit him with the gun.
"I said shut up didn't I" I growl. I'm on one and I need to just get the job done now!
We walk either side of the bed and face each other. I point my gun at the dad and everyone screams again so I pull the trigger and so does Robbie, we shoot all four of them. They lay on the bed with gunshot wounds to the head and blood all over. We rush out the room and make out way back downstairs I turn on the gas cooker on and look for something to set on fire.
"What about this" Robbie asks me pointing to the drapes on the front door. I nod my head and grab my lighter setting them alight I watch them burn and spread. Running out the house with Robbie on my tail, we reach our cars and pull off the balaclavas. Climbing in Robbie pulls off and I wait for the house to explode.
It's feeling like it's taking forever fuck!
Suddenly BOOM! The house explodes and I pull off speeding away. I need to burn These clothes asap.
I reach the end of the street and see Robbie waiting in his car for me. He clearly sees me then starts to drive so I follow him.
Coming to a stop I see that we're out at our spot and I need to take off these clothes asap. I jump out my car and go to my boot pulling out spare clothes and changing my clothes as Robbie does the same.
"It was a messy job bro" Robbie say laughing as he pulls on his t-shirt. I laugh at his antics and close my boot.
"Yeah, I wasn't expecting to do what we did" I tell him and he nods his head.
"Serious but it's done now, you telling Liam now" he asks me and I just look at him like he's stupid.
"Are you for real Robbie. I ain't telling him shit till he's back. He'll find me anyways. I duno if he's gonna like how we did it tho" I tell him but he shrugs his shoulders
"He wanted them dead. Now they are" Robbie says and I shake my head watching the fire burn away our clothes.

Meeting Darkness | DARKNESS SERIES #2 ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें