Chapter 21 Liam's POV

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Sitting in the office at the club and my phone starts to ring. Checking it I see Jason's name.
"Hello bro" I answer.
"Brother, you were at my angel's salon today, to see Amy, who is Amy?" Jason says to me and I just laugh.
"Just a girl I've been kind of dating I think" I tell Jason smiling. Am I going soft?
"Wow.. Good on you bro" Jason says then carries on telling me about Roman and last night. We hang up and I'm just thinking what the fuck man? I will be paying Roman a little surprise visit just to return the favour. With that thought I laugh a bit more than I should.

I leave the club and just before I reach my car my phone goes off notifying me that I have a text.

Amy: Hey Liam. Can we meet up tomorrow? We need to talk x

I can't help but smile while reading the message, she is so sexy and always smells amazing but what does she want to talk about? I don't need any drama or stress, my life is full of both every fucking day.

Liam: Hello beautiful. I can't wait to see you. I'll ring you later to sort out x

Hitting send I jump in my car and pull off heading to where I've been assured Roman is currently residing. I wonder how this will play out? I live for this kind of shit. I love the danger and thrill of just turning up at someone's home uninvited. I laugh out loud and grip the steering wheel tighter.

Arriving at Romans I park my car and jump out, walking to my boot I open it and pull out a hidden pistol.
"I hope I don't need to use you today" I say to myself with a smirk.
I walk over and use the side gate instead of going to the front door, let's catch the fucker off guard. I round the corner and see Roman sat with his back to me.
"ROMAN!" I shout and he falls off his chair, I scared the crap out of him. Good start I suppose.
"Liam, shit man wh-what you doing here?" Roman says sounding anything but normal at this point. I just laugh quickly then stop while heading straight for him.
"We need to talk about Jason and the shit you pulled last night" I spit out annoyed.
"I did nothing wrong man, I only spoke to my ex" Roman replies now standing right in front of me. If only that was true the twat.
"I'm warning you once and once only stay away from Jason and his girl! Do I make myself clear?" I say staring in his eyes.
"No need for threats man. Fuck!" Roman says stepping back.
"It's a promise not a threat, don't fuck with my family!" I say to Roman and he has a look about him that tells me he understands me. Thank fuck because I was getting close to just pulling my gun out and shooting him right here and now. Nothing but violence is what you get when your going after me or mine.
Walking back out to my car, I pull my phone out and call Amy.
"Hey Liam" Amy says sounding so fucking sexy. My dick starts to grow. Fuck.
"Hello beautiful. How about we meet up right now" I say in a smooth subtle tone smiling.
"OK.. Well I'm at home and not dressed" Amy states. Fucking hell I'm getting hot and bothered, thinking about her naked body.
"I'll come to yours, and I'll bring food, what do you want" I ask my girl, Yes my girl.
"Your coming now? And we can order when you get here" Amy asks me happily.
"Yes now. I won't be long" I tell her.
"OK see you soon" Amy says then hangs up. I get in my car and just sit there smiling thinking about her. Shit. I sound like Jason! With that thought I snap out of it, start the engine and drive off off to Amy's.

Pulling up outside Amy's I get out my car and see her standing at her door smiling at me.
"Well hello baby girl. Fuck. You look sexy" I say grabbing and kissing her.
"Hey handsome" she says looking into my eyes. My dick instantly hardens and I melt in that moment. She is so fucking sexy. Could I be in a relationship with her? Love and all that shit. I'm not sure at all that happened before but for her I willing to try at least.
We go in and decide to order Chinese, its not what I usually eat, I'm more of a pizza or burger kind of guy.
I'm sat on the sofa and Amy comes strolling in with a bottle of Pepsi Max and two glasses. I watch her pour our drinks and go to pull my weed, rizla and cigarettes out of my pocket when she just looks at me.
"None of that shit tonight please, I need you sober Liam" Amy says smiling but serious.
"OK baby girl, no problem" I say to Amy smiling back. What the fuck? Why did I just agree like that? Sort your head out Liam. Fuck sake.
A knock on the door drags me from my thoughts, Amy jumps up and runs to the door excitedly.
Coming back into the living room with food in hand Amy looks at me and smiles.
After setting out the food, she turns to me.
"Are you serious about us Liam? Because I really like you and I don't want to be messed around" Amy says to me looking a little sad and that makes me feel like shit. I don't like that look on her. Not one bit.
"I was unsure until today, I want you to be my girl" I tell her smiling and she blushes and turns away.
"Don't hide from me, you asked and I told you" I say cocky trying to make her feel better.
"I want that too" she says looking at me now. Fuck. My cock is rock hard.
"I ain't used to this whole relationship thing OK? Just remember that when I do your head in" I say laughing and she laughs with me.
"We will work this out together" she says smiling and moving closer to me.
"Yes we will" I say grabbing her and kissing her.

After we finished eating, we cuddled up on the sofa and watched a film.
"Why don't you have a spliff now baby" Amy says sitting up and kissing me.
I haven't smoked a spliff since I got here and I've rearly thought about it either. Which is weird especially for me. I smoke all day every day.
"You sure I'm allowed" I ask her laughing and she shoves me and raises her eyebrow jokingly.
"You can smoke whenever you want, just not when we need to talk like earlier" she says smiling.
I went outside smoked a nice fat spliff and checked my phone. I quickly made my way back to my girl, who was waiting for me on the sofa. We cuddled and then she fell asleep on me. The last thing I remember was her soft sweet sounding snores.
Can I be with her and be inlove with someone else? We'll see.

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