Chapter 65

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"Love where are you?" I hear being called from reception.
"Back here Liam" I call out making my way through.
"We need to talk, about Amy" he tells me and sits down in a pink spinning chair.
"OK? But she has the problem not me you know this right?" I tell him making sure he know.
"I know it's not love. She wouldn't tell me so you can." he says looking me over.
I sit down facing him smoothing out my skirt crossing my legs. I look at him and wonder how deep I should go into it.
"Just start at the beginning" Liam tells me so I do.
"Well firstly she blamed me for you going to prison and said some shit about my Ace that I didn't appreciate so I walked out on her" I tell him and he doesn't look to happy. I haven't even got to the best part yet.
"At the end of the day it's not your fault or hers. It was me and Jason no one else" he tells me and I nod my head.
"Ace explained everything Liam don't worry. Thankyou as well for that" I tell him and he smile at me and gestures for me to continue about Amy.
"OK and today she told me that she doesn't like how close we are because I visited you in prison" I tell him.
He looks like he's fuming. Fucking hell.
"She doesn't like the fact that you gave me this place and probably the jewellery aswell thinking about it" I tell him fiddling with the bracelet I'm wearing. He looks at it and smiles.
"She wants me to stay away from you and her" I show him the text message and he looks like he's going red. Shit.
"She doesn't like me calling you love, love" he says rolling his eyes at it. I smile because he still just called me love.
"This whole situation is a mess, Ace says its hormones but I'm just thinking she's just jealous babes" I tell him and he laughs. Finally.
"And I'm about to make it alot worst.. Maybe" he say pulling a face gritting teeth
"Why? What's happening now" I ask him looking him over. He looks amused at whatevers happening. I see him pull something out his back pocket. It's an envolope. What now?
"I want you to listen to me love. And do not interupt" he tells me and I just stare at him
"Ohhhk.. Go on" I tell him readying myself for what he's about to say.
"You know I trust you right?" I nod my head at him waiting for him to continue.
"I want to give you this. I've already spoken to Jason and he's on board with it all." he tells me and I go to speak but he holds up his hand and winks at me.
"With my situations I don't want to take any chances so I'm giving this to you. I need you sign it because I know it's the right thing to do. I trust you with my life Angelica. You are my family love no matter what" he says and I feel emotional. I've never had a family but this is what I've been wanting all my life.
"Well what isit?" I ask holding the envelope and ready to open it.
"The deed to my house. It's in your name now. Soon as you sign it, it's yours" he tells me and I don't know how to feel about this. I look at him lost for words.
"Love I can't trust Amy right now, she's already threatened to keep me out my babies life" he tells me and I stand up ready to batter a bitch.
"Calm down love she's still pregnant" Liam say laughing and pulling me into his arms
I hug him shaking. Is this bitch serious. I never thought she'd be one of them women.
"You know soon as she's gave birth I'm punching her right" I tell him mad.
"You can do what you like as long as my babies OK I don't care." he says and I look up at him confused.
"Isn't she still your girl?" I ask him confused.
"No, because I won't turn my back on my family" he tells me and I feel like fucking shit now.
"Did I do this. I did didn't I. I'm so sorry Liam" I tell him beginning to cry. He hugs me and hushes me soothingly.
"No love, you did nothing but be yourself she showed her true colours. Shit happens I'm having my baby" he tells me and that makes me feel better
"So I'm still auntie Angelica?" I say happily smiling at him. He pulls away and laughs at me.
"You never stopped love" he tells me with a smirk.
"Let me help you love" he says grabbing the broom and sweeping up.
"You don't have to but thank you" I tell him going off to clean another area.

Arriving back home Liam followed me back and I climb out as he does too.
"You go say hi to 'Ace' and I'll be in inner minute." Liam tells me pulling out his phone.
Walking through the door I hear Ace in the kitchen.
"Hey baby" I call out to him and he turns looking me over.
"My angel" he growls and kisses me aggressively. Kissing him back I pull away breathing heavily. Shit.
"Liam's outside baby" I tell him before he goes to far with my clothes. His hands freeze on my top pulling it back down.
"What do you mean. Why?" he asks me confused.
"He came by the salon and we spoke about Amy. They've split up Ace" I tell him letting him know to tread nicely.
"Ohh, great now he's going to be how he used to be" he says pulling away from me and rolling his eyes.
"He won't baby have some faith in him. He's wanting this baby, it's clearly changing him" I tell him sticking up for Liam.
Suddenly the door flies open and Liam rushes in.
"She's gone into labour" he panics shouting and runs back out and we follow him out immediately after dropping everything.

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