Chapter 109

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Watching Ruby crawling is the best feeling ever. Suddenly Liam stands up and leaves running up the stairs. Where's he going I wonder...
"He's about to kick off angel" Ace says smirking. I look over at him confused as to why? Did I miss something?
"At who? What's happening now?" I roll my eyes at the whole thing as he shakes his head.
"Well you mentioned Quetsia sooo..." he says guesturing with his hand.
"FUCK.. I shouldn't of mention her. Now look what I've caused. Shit" I say holding my head in my hand. Getting up I make my way up the stairs and down the hall to Liam's room. His door is cracked open so I stand and listen to a little bit..
"Look, your not listening to me. I don't wanna have a chat I'm telling you one more time Quetsia don't fucking call anyone talking my name. You hear me" I freeze at the scary tone he's giving her and I can't bare to listen to any more so I run back down the hall and down the stairs to Ace. Poor Quetsia I thought thinking off her and Liam's dreadful conversation.

"Oh my god. Ace, you never guess what I just heard. Liam's mad as hell. Shit" I breathe out and hear Liam running down the stairs while Ace's face looks pleased. He strolls in casual like he's not even spoken to her. The yesterday Liam.. Weird guy.
"You OK?" I ask him as he sits down on the sofa smiling at Ruby.
"All good now, she won't be bothering you again. Forget the job too Angelica" he tells me with a nod and I just nod my head slowly confused. Why?
"OK.. Why? It's my salon Liam" I say to him seriously..
"She's already calling you up and becoming to much of a hassle. I need to focus on my princess. No drama" he says smiling at me and back at Ruby. Weird guy I swear.
"Aww I'm sorry Liam" I say reaching over to rub his knee comforting him.
"I've seen her cv too. She's not exactly what I'm looking for anyways, so don't worry about it" I add with a smile and he nods curtly to me. Well she's another girl that's old news.

"I'll go make dinner for us" I say getting up from the floor putting Ruby in her swing. Watching as she bounces a little happy I walk away just as Ace slaps my butt.
"Oww baby" I whine playfully at him making them chuckle. Bastards.
Walking into the kitchen I look for ingredients that Ace bought earlier giving them space to chat to make something simple and delicious. Stuffed chicken with vegetables. Liam needs protein and all the goodness from the vegetables after drinking until god knows when.

"Something smell good angel" Ace says coming up behind me putting his hands on my stomach.
"It's done, can you two set the table and put Ruby in her highchair for me while I serve up please" I ask him smiling as he kisses my neck.
"It's already done baby, Liam and Ruby are both waiting. I come to see if you needed help. I'll carry them in for you" he says and kisses me again.
"That would be great Ace. Thanks baby let me dish out then" I tell him grabbing the serving spoon from the drawer.

Sitting at the table actually enjoying my dinner as I watch Liam feed Ruby and her giggling at him aeroplaning the food into her open mouth making noises. It's good to see them bonding together. I know Liam loves her so much and she loves her daddy. It's obvious by watching them together. Getting lost in the moment I rub my belly and smile happy. I'm so excited to find out what Ace and me are having.
Finishing up with dinner I go to stand and get a wave of sickness. Fuck
Rushing past the table I run to the downstairs bathroom and just making it to the toilet with time spare, lifting the lid I instantly unload my dinner back up. Eughh I scream in my head annoyed. I can't keep anything down but fucking McDonald's. I'm going to end up giving birth to a sumo. Or I'm going to become one. Eugh God help Ace.
Throwing up some more I hear knocking on the door and Ace enters crouching beside me rubbing my back soothingly.
"I bought you some water angel, can I get you anything else?" he asks as I wipe my mouth on some tissue.
"Thanks baby" I mumble feeling like shit. I need something to eat.
"I've asked Liam to order you McDonald's, it's gonna be here soon angel" he tells me moving my hair and holding it back for me.
"I love you, you know what our baby wants" I say laughing and my stomach rolls again.
"You good?" he asks looking me over as he stands up. I flush the toilet and rinse my mouth with mouthwash.
"I think so. Just feel funny that's all. Help me please" I ask lifting up my arms and he lifts me up carrying me out as I point to the living room.
As we enter I see everything set up for me already. Netflix is loaded and they've bought down my purple teddy blanket. I love them both tremendously.
"Your McDonald's is.. Five minutes away" Liam hesitates looking at his phone with a screw face.
"What's wrong?" I ask him and he shakes his head at me.
"Nothing love. Just relax this stress isn't good for the baby and we need to talk about the salon tomorrow. I want it opening for you soon" he rambles thinking hard about something.
"Sure, if you wanna talk you know I'm always here Liam. Anytime" I tell him with a smile.
Hearing knocking I instantly get excited and my stomach grumbles knowing it's getting what it wants. McDonald's!
Ace comes strolling in with a bag and drops it in my lap and kisses my forehead.
"For you beautiful" he says and walks around to sit cuddled up with me and Ruby follows with Liam.
My perfect happy family.

Meeting Darkness | DARKNESS SERIES #2 ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt