Chapter 28 Jason's POV

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"Fuck this shit" I mutter out and open the door slamming it shut behind me. I press impatiently at the elevator call button needing some air.
My moods being off all day and I've been different with my angel. I can't act all lovey dovey when I have this type of job to do. It will throw me off and I need no distractions. I hate what I'm doing to her and I feel guilty as fuck but what can I do. I'm the only one that could get out here. I wasn't expecting it to be smack bam in the middle of the week. I need to make it up to her big time. What can I do?
She blew off dinner so I canceled the reservation to a very pissed hostess that I begged to squeeze me in this morning. To just go cancel it on her. So you can imagine how that went. Pissed is an understatement!
I feel my phone vibrate then the call tone going off. I pull it out and answer.
"Hello" I say irrited with everything and everyone right now.
"He's going to be at the spot waiting for you. Make sure your ready" he tells me and hangs up. I make my way out the hotel pulling up my hood and walking down the streets of Monaco.
I find the place quite easily and see a guy standing there with his back to me. I know it's him because he's wearing what I got told earlier. Now for the actual job. You can do this Jason. Breathe. You've got this.
I walk up quickly pulling out my knife and stab him in the side four times like I was told and leave, walking through the alley out the other end taking off my jacket and wrapping the knife in it.
I head back to the hotel and jog to the elevator that's got its doors open with a girl in there. She sees me and holds it for me smiling.
"Thanks" I say holding the bloodied jacket behind me. I stand there casually and I feel her eyes burning in to me checking me out. I look at her and just stare hard. I have my angel regardless of what's happening right now I would never do that to her. Ever.
"Your hot" she says twirling her hair around her finger. I growl at her and she backs away, face dropping. The elevator pings and the doors open she practically runs out and I'm left alone with my laugh echoing as the doors close behind her.
Coming to a stop I take a deep breath and walk to my suite. Opening the door I step in closing it quietly.
"Angel" I say quietly incase she's asleep. I don't want to wake her and piss her off anymore. I need to talk to her. If she's awake.
I get no reply and I assume she's asleep. I make my way through to the bathroom and undress quickly bagging my clothes and putting them in the corner.

I jump into the casading water and wash throughly making sure I have no evidence on me. I think about my sleeping angel in the next room and I don't want to ruin our holiday. Our first fucking holiday and I had to do that. Fuck. I scrub shampoo through my hair and watch as the cubicle steams up hiding me from everything. I close my eyes and rinse it out slowly.
"What. The. Fuck. Jason?" I hear suddenly and my eyes pop open and I open the shower steam streaming out the door and I see my angel standing there with the bagged clothes in her hand. Fuck fuck fuck! I yell in my head stupid fucking..
I cut myself off when she shakes the bag at me.
"Can we talk please angel?" I ask her turning off the shower and stepping out. She looks me over and slightly clenches her thighs but tries to not make me notice. I see everything angel I thought with a smirk. Now is not the time Jason shit.
She drops the bag and walks out the bathroom. I dry my body and wrap it around my waist then brush my teeth quickly.

"Angel" I call out not finding her in the lounge.
"Bedroom" she states monotoned. Fuck she's not impressed. I need her to understand that I have to do somethings I don't like to get what I need.
"Angel can we talk now please" I ask again hoping she will listen to me.
"Talk then" she says crossing her arms over her chest covering her breasts. Her aura is off and shit if I don't hate that. I feel like shit and I just want to cuddle her to be honest. I sit on the edge of the bed and put my head in my hands just like earlier. "I had a job I had to do angel. Please understand." I tell her and she nods her head.
"In my line of work, to get where I am now I have to do some things I'm not proud off" I say and she just nods her head again listening.
"I have this client that has some issues and he wants something that only I could do, get done. I killed someone" I blurt out just getting it out there already.
"You brought me to Monaco to kill someone" she whisper-shouts and god she never  surprises me.
"Errr yeah but I wanted you here with me angel. I couldn't of come without you" I tell her letting her know that I'd miss her to much. I need her.
"So now what?" she suddenly asks and I'm shocked again by her strength to handle these situations.
"I'll burn your clothes tomorrow then we'll get rid of everything else." she says and I can't help but smile at her.
"I love you angel, so fucking much" I tell her honestly and proud.
"I love you too Ace" she says leaning forward to kiss me. Finally I get to feel her again.
I'll never lie to her again. I need to be open and honest.

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