Chapter 76 Liam's POV

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After a short flight we finally sit in a taxi on the way to the hotel.
"That felt so long. It better be worth it" I say to Jason who's sitting next to me holding my princess while she sleeps again.
"You sure about this brother?" he talks low to me and I nod
"It has to happen Jason. They can't take her away from me" I tell him looking at my perfect baby girl. She's just like her mother. I watch her sleep in his arms and I can't bring myself to give her to no one but these two people. No one else will ever have her.
"I understand that brother. I'm with you" he tells me and I'm more than grateful for everything Jason and Angelica have done for us. I don't know what I'd do without them.
Pulling up at the hotel we all climb out the taxi and I pay the fare. Taking out all the luggage and pushchair I tap the roof and he pulls off.

Checking into the hotel I put my sleeping princess into her pushchair nodding at Ace thanking him for putting it together for me. She hands us our separate room keys and we head to the elevator.
Walking into the elevator with them the bell boy's already headed up with our luggage so he should be there now.
We exit to him waiting and I tip him a little not be to generous I'm not made of money.
"I'll take her with me tonight. You two go out and have some fun. I had mine last night" I say and wink at them laughing.
"Yeah brother thanks" Jason says fist bumping me and I open my door and take my luggage in.
Looking around the master suite and it's huge for just me and Ruby. Jeez who stays here. I thought with a wide smile. I take Ruby into the living room leaving her to sleep and go check out the rest of the suite.

Looking through the menu I order room service not wanting to wake up my princess I get myself a burger and fries with a bottle of coke.
Unpacking while I wait for my food and the knocking wakes her up. Fuck!
I run to the door and they push my food in on a trolley and puts it on the table and leaves. I take Ruby from her pushchair and grab a ready made bottle heating it up quickly.
Trying to feed her and eat my food before it goes cold is hard fucking work. How do single parents do this without help?
Finishing up with her bottle I wind her over my shoulder and set her back into her carry cot while I eat my burger.
This is some good shit I thought as I take bite after bite.
Finishing my food I wash my hands and change my baby's nappy quickly making sure she's clean and dry.
"Shall daddy take you for a walk princess" I ask her like she can reply but she smiles up at me kicking her legs. I take that as a yes.

Exiting the hotel I take a left and see where it takes me. I look around at all what's happening and see a few shops still open. I walk inside and look around finding a few baby girl things that will look good on my princess so I grab a couple of things in her size and head to the check out.
Leaving the store we continue our stroll and head down towards the river and walk along the bank looking at all the boats bobbing up and down on the calm water.
I look down and see that she's falling asleep and I breathe a sigh of relief that I didn't have to go to far and end up lost.
Taking a seat at a bench I park Ruby putting on the breaks and just chill looking around. It's so peaceful here and I love it.
After awhile I decide to leave and head back to the hotel I see Jason and Angelica in a restaurant being themselves all lovey dovey and it's nice to see that after all the stress I've caused them. They mean the world to me aswell. Staring at them for a while I shake my head and they see me and wave so I wave back and continue my stroll back to the hotel.

Back in my suite Ruby's still asleep so I settle down and watch a movie that's available to rent on the big screen infront of me. John wick will do. I thought clicking play and relaxing back.
Half way through the movie Ruby wakes up so I see to her changing her nappy and feeding her while I watch the rest as she falls asleep in my arms.
Thinking how much I love being a dad and how much my little princess means to me already and shes only 2 months old.
I'd do anything for her and I'll kill anyone that harms a hair on her precious head. Feeling irritated with that last thought I switch the movie off and go settle Ruby in her bed while I sort myself out for an early night. I'm fucking knackered after last nights fun and no sleep.
Stripping out my clothes I turn the shower on and jump in. Washing my body quickly as I listen out for Ruby. It's quite hard.
I rinse and rewash before jumping out and grabbing a towel.

Laying in bed I think how lonely it is and how much I miss sleeping with her my queen next to me. I never realized how much I dislike being single. But I don't want to open up to just anyone. And who's going to want a single dad?

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