Chapter 121 Liam's POV

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Waking up stretching, feeling refreshed and the happiness just radiates from me. Not only am I revealing the sex of Bean. I'm also walking my beautiful sister down the aisle. I'm so excited I hope I don't fuck it up. Today's gonna be good. No problems right?
Climbing out of bed I check on Ruby and see she's still asleep. Good that gives me time to shower quickly.

Stepping back into the bedroom I see my princess just laying playing with her blanket content in her cot. I'm thankful she's a good baby. For now anyways.
Leaving her be while she's OK I pull out my black suit and tie with a white shirt for the ceremony and dress quickly.

"Damn I look good" I say to myself in the mirror tucking my tie, looking myself over. Grabbing Ruby from her cot I quickly change her before taking her downstairs with me to give her some breakfast.
"Morning everyone" I say cheerily and put my princess into her highchair realising its just Jason
"Listen why your alone we need to talk" I tell him strapping Ruby in.
"When we get to the place Selines going to take Ruby and your going to go 'help' her when she texts me. Then I'll come in with Angelica. Make sure your ready because you've got about two minutes before she's going to want to come looking for you, wondering what's happening" I tell him and he nods agreeing.
"Yeah I'm ready I even did a little speech, you doing my best man's speech?" he asks me and I smile knowingly nodding my head at him.
"You know I got something cooking up" I tell him rubbing my hands together. Shaking his head Jason gets up and pats my back.
"Keep it clean brother. My angel doesn't need to know about them days" he tells me making me laugh. We'll see about that.

After feeding Ruby, I bathe her quickly and dress her. It was a pain to put her in the god forsaken dress Seline picked out for her to match everything and now that she is dressed, she looks adorable as fuck.

Thanks Seline I thought with a smile.

Standing her up holding her, I look at her and she's the most beautiful little girl I've ever seen. Daughter or not. She takes after her mama. Both of them..
"Bro are you ready?" I ask Jason as he comes down the stairs first. He's looks sharp as fuck.

"So I look alright man. This last minute outfit wasn't the plan. You should of told me" Jason says and I roll my eyes at him.
"It was ment to be a surprise for both of you dick. You ruined it by snooping in places you shouldn't of been. Thanks for keeping it to yourself tho. She deserves this. I hope I did good" I say to Jason praying they enjoy the day.

"My angel will love it. I'm sure you did an amazing job. Thankyou for this brother. It means a lot" he tells me and I turn in to the hug he's offering patting his back. Damn the days going to be a battle of emotions.

"She's coming" I hear Seline call out from upstairs finally. We have an hour tops before guests start to arrive.
I watch as Ace bolts to the bottom of the stairs to see her. Making my way to see them I watch her come down the stairs looking like a complete queen. She's actually wearing a wedding dress. Wow she looks perfect. I look at Ace and all I see is pure love and affection. I'm so fucking happy for my brother. He's gotten what he's always wanted. Love

"You look beautiful love. You ready?" I ask her as she holds Ace's arm and I offer Seline mine. She looks amazing aswell. She's wearing a long silk blush pink gown it would look better if she had it ruffled up around her waist and her thick thighs wrapped around my waist. Whoa Liam. Where did that come from?

"Thank you, don't you scrub up handsome bro" Angelica compliments me with a sexy smile.
"You know how I do" I say winking at her and walking out to the car holding Ruby.. "Don't she look adorable Ace in that little pink dress" I hear Angelica say to Jason making me smile at my princess.

Arriving at the entrance of the venue in a white limousine they both gasp at the place I'm about to take them in.
"Are you nervous?" I ask Angelica as Seline takes Ruby out of the car.
"We'll see you in there" she winks at me and closes the door as I nod my head to her smiling back.
"A little I just want to find out what our bean is" she says holding Jason's hand and grinning happily.
I get a text from Seline.

Seline: Everything's ready you can send Jason in. X

I look up at Jason in the back of the car and smile at him. He nods back understanding and starts to climb out.
"Where are you going?" Angelica asks Jason and he looks at me for help.
"Seline just texted. She needs Jason's help, you're coming with me love" I tell her and she looks at me confused bless her.
"You trust me?" I ask as Jason closes the door of the limo.
"Of course I do Liam" she says with a smile.
"Then come with me" I tell her as I the driver pulls off.
After driving around for a little I received a text telling us to come now.
So here we are sat outside the barn tent and I'm hoping she doesn't freak.
Stepping out the car I hold my hand out for Angelica helping her out. Closing the door behind her I take in a few deep breaths and look to Jason's angel.
"Are you ready love?" I offer her my arm and she looks at me funny.
"What's happening Liam?" she asks me and I wink at her.
"What you've been waiting for love, you're getting married" I say smiling and her jaw drops.

Meeting Darkness | DARKNESS SERIES #2 ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz