Chapter 36 Jason's POV

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I wake up and realise I'm alone, where is my angel? I sit up and grab my phone, I see its 9:30 am. What the fuck. I should of been up ages ago. Fuck. I jump out of bed when suddenly I'm surprised.
"Morning handsome. Enjoy your lie in?" I hear from behind me and I instantly groan hearing her knowing exactly who it is.
"Morning my Angel" I say walking up to her and smiling. She just stands there watching me in my boxers while biting her lip.
"Fuck baby. You drive me insane when you bite your lip" I say with a groan.
"That's good to know baby" she says back with a wink and a cheeky smile. Fuck. My dick instantly gets hard.
"No time for that Ace" she tells me and I just laugh leaning in to kiss her.
"I've packed everything as well" she says with her arms around my neck, looking into my eyes.
"Thank you my Angel. I love you" I tell her picking her up so she wraps her legs around me.
"I love you too Ace" she says smiling then kisses me again. I crave the taste of my Angel. I need it. I need her.

Getting in the car I booked to take us to the airport. I think about how I don't want this to end. I don't want to go back to reality. I've loved it, just me and my Angel.
"I'm going to miss it here Ace" she's says looking at me with a sad face.
"So am I baby. Just me and you" I tell her rubbing her hand that is on my lap.
"We can always come back Angel" I say and she smiles.
"Really?" She asks me, I reach for her cheek and rub it gently.
"Of course baby. We can come back here or go anywhere else you want" I say then lean in and kiss her forehead.

After waiting for which felt like hours. We finally board the plane and settle in for the flight. I look over to my baby and she is just looking out the window. We will be back real soon baby I think to myself.
"Don't be sad my Angel" I say holding my hand out. She turns then smiles at me.
"I'm not sad Ace. I just don't want to leave, that's all" she says while holding my hand and staring at me with those beautiful brown eyes. Them fucking sexy brown eyes.
"I've loved our first holiday Ace" she says snapping me out of my thoughts.
"So have I Angel" I say smiling. We link fingers and relax.

Standing outside the airport waiting for the car I ordered to arrive. I pull out my phone and scroll through my contacts to Liam. I hit call but it goes straight to voicemail. That's weird. Why is his phone turned off?
"The cars here Ace" I hear my Angel say so I look at her and just nod my head, put my phone in my pocket and grab the luggage.
Sitting in the back with my angel and she is just looking at me with a 'I know something is bothering you' expression.
"Ace? Talk to me, tell me what's wrong?" she says to me.
"I tried to call Liam but his phone is turned off" I say annoyed.
"I will text Amy" she says then pulls her phone out. Fuck. I hope everything is OK. Me and Liam have had no contact while I was away because that's how we operate.
"Are you leaving your stuff at mine?" she says to me.
"Yes my Angel, until we find our home" I tell her with a smile and she smiles back at me.
"I can't wait to live with you Ace" she says and bites her lip. Fuck. My Angel is perfection. She is everything to me. I love her and she FUCKING loves me!
"You won't have to wait for much longer" I tell her with a cheeky smirk and she just laughs.
"I hope so Ace" she says with a beautiful smile.
I try Liam again now she's texted Amy and it's still off. Fuck sake. I know he's more than likely busy with her.

Pulling up at 'our' temporary home, I climb out and help my angel out while the driver takes out the luggage and puts them on the sidewalk. I nod my head and tip him generously in thanks and he gets in driving off with a satisfied smile.

After carrying the luggage to the bedroom, I walk back through the apartment to the kitchen and try to call Liam again. Fuck.
"Ace?" my Angel says looking at me concerned.
"Yes baby. What's wrong?" I ask while  walking straight to her.
"I've just spoke to Amy. And.. Liam saw her Tuesday and told her to get a message to you" she tells me. Message? What is going on? I think to myself quickly.
"OK. I'm listening" I tell my Angel.
"Just one word Ace" she says looking at me.
"Lelo" she says looking confused. Fuck. Fuck. Lelo is our code word for red alert. RED FUCKING ALERT!
"Get ready to leave in 5 minutes my Angel and ring Amy and tell her to pack a bag and we will pick her up" I tell her with a serious face. She just looks at me.
"OK. What's happening Ace?" she asks me looking concerned.
"Lelo is code word for red alert, so I need to take us somewhere safe until I talk to Liam" I tell her with a kiss to her forehead.
"I'll be ready baby. I'll ring Amy now" she says then leaves the kitchen. Fuck. I need to get my head in the game and focus. My Angel and Amy are my only concerns right now I need to find Liam. Where are you brother. Please be safe. I can't live without you.

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