Chapter 72

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It's been three days since Ruby went home with Liam and that Jessica. I've seen her once. One fucking time! I sit in the salon depressed about everything. I miss my baby so much. I look out the window in the reception area and see Liam's car. I jump up and run to the door swinging it open aggressively nearly took it off it hinges. I need my baby. He pulls up outside and goes to the boot. He takes out a suitcase and her pushchair. Handing them to me, I put them inside just wanting the baby. He walks around to the back door and take the car seat out.
"love I can't do this right now" Liam tells me and I just stare at him with shock. What does that even mean? He hands her to me kisses her and walks off climbing back into his car and pulling off.
What the fuck? I look at her little face and smile again. It feels like forever since I've smiled. I walk back into the salon and grab my phone calling Ace.
Waiting to him to answer it goes to his voicemail. Shit
I go into the girls with her and they all coo around her and look into her car seat.
"Can you hold the fort Seline" I ask her begging with my eyes. She smiles at me.
"Of course babes. Do what you need to do" she tells me and I walk off calling Ace again
"Hello finally. I have Ruby here with me where are you Ace?" I ask him as I walk out to my car. I put in the pushchair and suitcase holding the phone with my shoulder awkwardly.
"What do you mean where's Liam?" he asks and I don't know what to tell him.
"No idea I'll explain when I see you. Where are you?" I ask him wanting him to see Ruby aswell.
"I'm in an important meeting angel can I call you after?" he says to me and I forget about that. Shit
"Oh yeah sorry baby call me after I love you" I tell him quickly and hang up.
I go grab Ruby from the girls in the salon and strap her into my back seat securely.
"Auntie Angelica's here baby, don't you worry" I tell her and kiss her hand she grips my finger with.

Pulling up at my house I take out Ruby and put the pushchair together leaving the carry cot for Ace in the boot. I clip her onto the frame and grab the case. Pushing and pulling them I unlock my door and enter.
Walking into the living room I take Ruby out and put her in the swing I bought and got Ace to set up just incase.
"For you baby girl" I tell her setting her into it and turning it on. She smiles as it begins to swing and I grab the case opening it I find an envelope. Another one?
Opening it up I read the title. ADOPTION
What the fuck. He wants us to adopt her? Yes! I scan through them and wait impatiently for Ace to ring me back.

"Finally baby.. Oh my god guess what" I tell him grinning mad.
"What's happening angel?" he asks me excitement in his tone now.
"He's brought us adoption papers for Ruby that we need to sign. So when you coming home?" I ask him wanting to do it now with him.
"I'm on my lunch break. I'm coming now. I want to see her" he tells me and I hear ruffling then a engine start. He's missed her just as much.
"OK baby where at home see you soon" I say and he hangs up in a rush and I put my phone down looking back at the papers. Wow
My phone rings again and it's Liam. Answering quickly I put him on speaker.
"Hi, what's these papers Liam. I'm confused" I tells him rubbing my forehead.
"Jessica's a snake. Her family want to take her. Sign them asap and get them to richie. I stand no chance fighting against them love. Please do this. I know it's alot" he says and it is but I couldn't think of a better reason to do this.
"of course Liam you know we will" I tell him with a smile. I can here alot of noise in the background and wonder what's happening.
"Where are you?" I ask him as I hear my front door open and see Ace running in.
"Prinny" he calls out to her and walks over to her. Aww my baby
"I'm at mine. Her parents showed up. Jessica sold me out the fucking bitch" he says angrily. And shit I haven't heard him this mad in awhile. Her poor parents I thought with a smirk. Shame on them for thinking they could do this to us. Not just Liam.
"Let me talk to Liam angel" Ace says and I hand him my phone looking back at the papers. I grab a pen from the drawer in the coffee table and sign them quickly. Giving Ace the pen he does the same.
"Tell Liam he needs to calm down. They'll use it against him" I tell him and Ace looks at me weird like how do I know all this. Then walks off talking to Liam typing away on his phone. Hopefully he's texting Richie.

Coming back into the room Ace hands me my phone while talking on his.
"OK Richie. Thanks I'll be there soon" he says and hangs up.
"Whats happening?" I ask him needing to be filled in.
"I need to get them to her asap so she can file them and make us her adoptive parents" he tells me with a smile. Clearly we can do it. Yes!
"Is she sure we'll like pass or whatever" I ask him and he nods his head.
"There's no reason why we wouldn't angel, don't worry she's going nowhere" he says hugging and kissing me. Thank God.

Meeting Darkness | DARKNESS SERIES #2 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now