Chapter 93 Liam's POV

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Waiting for Quetsia to come is giving me anxiety. She's about to come to my house and no one's been here since Amy. I feel off like I don't want to be here starting something new surrounded by all the old memories we made here. It just feels wrong like she's here mocking me for moving on.
Feeling my phone vibrate then the tone ring I look at it and see that the beautiful girl is calling me.
"Hi sweetheart, where are you?" I ask her feeling nervous. Why am I even nervous?
"I'm nearly outside yours, you want to come out?" she asks me and I chuckle at her.
"Of course, I'll be there in a second" I tell her and she hangs up. I put my phone on the coffee table looking around making sure everythings tidy and nothings out of place. Looking in the mirror I look myself over and think I look good. I hope she likes it.
Walking to the front door I open it up and see her walking up the path towards me. Wow she looks stunning and she takes my breathe away. Fucking hell Liam get a grip.
"You look beautiful Quetsia, come in" I tell her making her blush and I escort her into the living room where I've got the wine out and a few takeaway menus for her to choose from.
"You look good too Liam I like your shirt" she tells me running her hand along it feeling the material underneath her fingertips. She sends my heart into over drive and she's only touching my fucking t-shirt. Fuck sake.
"I didn't know which you prefer so I bought white and rosé" I tell her as we take a seat next to each other on the corner sofa.
"I love them both, thanks for thinking of me when you bought them tho" she says smiling at me.
"Your welcome sweetheart" I tell her with a grin. She blushes again making me smile more at her.
"If you keep making me blush I'm going to be a tomato by the end of the night Liam" she says laughing covering her face.
"Still stunning baby girl" I say and she blushes more at the name I call her. Bless her.
"So did you enjoy your holiday?" I ask her pouring the wine and handing her a glass first.
"I did but I'd rather of seen you more that the one night. That was the highlight of it to be honest" she says and I feel my cheeks heat up. Fuck I'm blushing. Laughing it off I rub her thigh gently.
"Good to know you enjoyed our night together. I did too" I tell her honestly aswell. Smiling up at me she sips her wine and looks at me seriously.
"where's Ruby will she be coming back in the morning? Should I leave before she comes?" she asks in a rush. I shake my head at her chuckling..
"Calm down baby girl. She's with her mum and dad and I'll be going to her so it's OK relax" I tell her confidently hoping she does.
"Oh OK.. I didn't want to intrude or anything" she says with a smile and puts down her glass.
"Your not sweetheart, don't worry" I tell her drinking my wine. It's not that bad actually.

After ordering Chinese and eating we decided to go to a hotel as I just can't relax in this house. I feel like Amy's watching us. Weird I know.

"You sure you didn't mind this? I just couldn't relax." I ask her as we enter the suite and put on the 'do not disturb' sign on the handle.
"No whatever makes you more comfortable babe" she says smiling at me taking off her jacket.
"Yeah I feel better already, I'm selling that house asap" I tell her kicking off my trainers and walking into the living room area.
"Oh isit that bad? I like the house Liam" she says and I smile at her. So did I..
"Yeah me too but I can't be there and be happy you know" I say to her as I sit down. She sits right next to me and leans in close.
"Soo?" she says hesitantly licking her lips. I smile at her and grab her pulling her onto me. She wraps her arms around the back off my neck and kisses me. Fuck she tastes good.
Kissing her back she slides her tongue into my mouth and sucks on mine gently tasting me and I feel the blood rush to my dick.
"I guess you liked that" she says pulling away rocking on my hardened dick.
"I like all things Quetsia" I tell her smirking making her blush again.
She suddenly pulls her top over her head exposing herself to me and I lick my lips watching her. I stand lifting her up with me and make my way to the bedroom.
I lay her onto the bed gently and strip out of my clothes quickly while she does the same. Shit she's sexy naked.
"Your even sexier naked baby girl" I tell her grinning looking her up and down.
"Right back at you" she says laying back down and spreading her legs.
Bending down I grab a condom out my trouser pocket definitely needing it.
"Can't wait to have you inside me" she tells me staring at my dick turned up ready for her.
"I can't wait to be inside you" I say as I finish rolling the condom down my dick and climbing on top of her.
I hold my dick against her wet pussy rubbing it up and down her.
"Fuck me already Liam" she moans at me so I slowly start to push inside her. She feels so tight fuck!
"Your so big fuck!" she cries out and I'm only half way in. I lift up her ass and push the rest of the way into her.
"You OK?" I ask her kissing her neck finding her sweet spot.
"Yeah am good you can start" she tells me and that's the green light I needed to fuck her. How I want to.

"Fucking hell that was amazing" she tells me panting heavily next to me. I roll the condom off me tying it and throw it into the trash next to me.
"You took it so well" I smirk thinking she did fucking amazingly. Better that fucking Amy did too.
"I'll definitely be coming back for more" she says shyly looking at me.
"That makes two of us sweetheart" I say rolling on my side to kiss her soft lips.

Meeting Darkness | DARKNESS SERIES #2 ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora