Chapter 12 - Jason's POV

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My phone ringing is not the way I expected to wake up next to my angel. Grabbing my phone seeing that it's Liam and its 6:30am in the fucking morning. What the actual fuck. Swiping I answer.
"What the fuck bro. Do you not sleep. It's half fucking six man shit" I say harshly down the phone trying not to wake my sleeping angel.
"Time is money bro, chill the fuck out. I need to see you NOW!" He tells me quickly then hangs up. What the fuck is this about now. I roll my eyes and climb out of bed heading to the bathroom. I quickly shower and dress.

Before I leave I write a quick note telling my angel I'll be back soon and not to move out of this bed

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Before I leave I write a quick note telling my angel I'll be back soon and not to move out of this bed. Putting it on my pillow under her phone so she sees it straight away. I rush out of the apartment and into my car, starting the engine I speed off to mine and Liam's secret meeting place.

Arriving at the spot I see no other cars there. Thinking to myself what the fuck man rushing me when he's not even here himself.
Shaking my head I see Liam out the corner of my eye approaching me in his car.
Jumping out I make my way to him
"What's happening? You dragged me away. At this time of the morning." I ask him annoyed to be leaving my angel.
"It's about the job bro" he tells me in a disappointed tone. Shit I haven't heard that inner long time. Somethings gone wrong. Bad.
"Just tell me.. Say it for fuck sake" I say irrited and loudly which is the only way to get it out of him.
"Well ya see.. It went wrong.. Like wrong. Wrong! So fucking wrong" he tells me and I start to pace.
"I let you down bro" he adds looking down probably feeling just as shit.
"What fucking happened Liam" I ask calmly when I feel anything but. How the fuck is this happening. What the fuck did he do?
"The info for the job was all wrong. I was prepared for a different job, not fucking this one" he starts to raise his voice making me raise an eyebrow at him. Fuck this shit.
"What do you mean a different job. You love for that shit. What's wrong with you" I shout at him and begin to pace thinking what the fuck am I going to do now. I fucking needed that.
"I fucking mean I was prepared for a job taking down one guy. Not fucking four and they were armed JASON!" He stresses and shit, I didn't know that. My bad I shake my head and look back to him.
"But don't worry I still got the job done bro" he tells me smiling cocky at me.
"So your telling me. You got the job done? Then why the fuck would you ring me at six in the fucking morning and drag me alway from my angel." I spit fucking pissed. What was the point?
"I'll tell you why, as I told you they were armed. So was I bro. Shit went down. Wrong like really fucking bad like I told you. I killed one of them. Well I think I did I shot the fucker in his head.. Sooo dead right. I got to lay low bro" he tells me in away that tells me I have to help him do that. Fuck sake.
"Where? And who with?" I ask knowing what he wants. Shit.
"Anywhere and on my own. I need it sorted now, and I need you to get rid of my car. Guns in the boot too." he tells me shrugging his shoulders. This guy I swear sometimes I could knock him out.
"OK. Sorted. Where's my art?" I ask him all I'm really needing to know.
"It's in a lock up, here" he throws me a key and I look it over with a number attached with a postcode.
"Thanks bro. Means alot you know this, pack and I'll have everything sorted for tonight.
"Pack what? I cant go back home" he says shaking his head rubbing his hand harshly down his face. Shit I forgot about that.
"I'll stay here and you go pack me some of your stuff.. The good shit tho. It's the least you can do" he says laughing but i know he's being fucking truthful. I swear one of these days.
"You take the piss man. I'll be back later. Be ready" I tell him walking off.
"I did this for you and your shitty art. Help a brother out" he calls out and I just throw him the middle finger and get into my car. All I hear is him laughing. Dick.

Checking the clock in my car I see that it's half 7. Good she should be still asleep. I climb out and make my way into her place. Everything's still silent and I thank god she's still asleep. I go into her kitchen and decide to make her breakfast before I take her to work, then I'll sort Liam. Fuck sake I roll my eyes thinking about all of what he said.
I find sausage, eggs and bacon in her fridge and decide on making that for her.

Standing cooking for my angel I think about how happy she makes me. How everything's changed. I don't want her to know about my other life. She's to sweet and innocent and I don't want to ruin her. I put bread in the toaster and push it down while I grab orange juice out the fridge and pour it into a glass.
After everything done I place it all onto a plate and then a tray carrying it into the bedroom.
As I enter I see my beautiful angel start to sit up and stretch her body.
"Morning angel" I say and kiss her forehead then hand over her food.
"Oh my god Jason, thankyou" she beams happily and sips her juice.
"I had to leave so i thought I'd make it upto you with breakfast" I smile at her and let her eat.
"You left, when?" she asks scrunching her eyebrows confused.
"My brother had a little emergency. Nothing to worry about now he was over reacting" I tell her to ease her mind. She smiles at me happy with the little white lie and I start to feel guilty. I look away from her and take the tray once she's finished and I let her get ready.

"Are you ready angel. You'll be late" I call out from the living room where I've been slightly impatiently waiting for her to come out.
"I'm here, let's go" she says and I can't stop staring at her as she stands at the door.
"You sure your off to work angel. Or we going out" I say walking up and pulling her to my chest kissing her. I can't help it.

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