Bsassans0378's request

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bsassan0378:" Can you guys please let Blaze back in the game for a second chance because I really wanted to ask him something if not I understand. Also Rocky I hope you don't have any hard feelings but I dare you to litter on the beach."

Katie said:" That final dare for him was going too far anyway. So it's fair that he keeps on playing." Chase nodded and said:" He said that he has allergy to the blueberries and strawberries and then the next dare was to eat them. I think that we should really put on the limits." Katie nodded and said:" We are agreing to do the dare as long as they won't get us killed or using our allergies against us." Pups nodded.

Rocky sighed and said:" I hope that i can clean this thing up right away." Katie asked:" Do you agree on this?" Rocky nodded. Soon team was on the beach and Rocky dropped the garbage on the beach. "Oops!" Gray Mixbreed shouted:" My dare is done now!"

bsassan0378:" Also if I can't ask Blaze because of the whole then would it be ok to ask Marshall, Everest and Bella this because the thing I want to ask him is has anyone ever told him he is kinda weird because after that whole worm thing he kinda weirded me out."

Blaze said:" I know that i'm little weird. Actually i didn't really liked the taste of it but i wanted to make a joke." "You're really weird," Rubble said.

"Thanks!" Blaze answered.

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