Chase catches Skye

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Ryder walked towards Chase and Skye.

"Somebody has the dare for you," Ryder said. "What kind of dare?" Chase asked:" Who takes it?"

When Ryder had called the team then he explained:" It's from LightningPelt12. They dare Skye to jump off the Lookout and have Chase catch her while she is blindfolded." "Isn't it dangerous?" Rocky asked. "It is," Skye said:" But i trust Chase." Chase said:" I'll do it."

Skye and Rocky went to the elevator and it took them to the top floor. There Rocky tied the blindfold to Skye's eyes.

The team went outside to see it. "Do you think that your father can do it?" Blaze asked. Falcon said:" I know that he can."

Skye jumped. Chase ran below her and reached his paws out. Skye fell into his paws and Chase started to hold her.

"Nice catch!" Ryder said and sighed from relief. Rocky walked outside and said:"Good thing that Chase was there." Skye took the blindfold off and kissed Chase. "Thanks for being there for me," she said.

Ryder turned to readers:"We hope that You enjoyed it. And it was dangerous. Don't try that at home! Anyway, keep sending the truths or dares!"

I love Skase ship. They are truly meant for each other.

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