The passed out reason

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bsassan0378:" That's ok that Rubble didn't do it after all I did say that if there is a dare you don't really want to do I would gradually accept it. Although the Blaze thing was a bit harsh. But hey Chase how come originally you didn't believe in mer pups but when you saw Skye as a mer pup you passed out. Was this a crush thing or did you mostly pass out because you were shocked that mer pups were real?"

Chase said:" It was both i guess. But mostly of shock. I thought that i was crazy when i saw her with Mer-Pup tail." Marshall laughed:" I remember that moment. And first i was worried about you but when i had flashbacks of it then i laughed my tail off."

Rocky said:" I agree on bsassan0378. Blaze's dare was too harsh." Everest nodded and said:" He isn't perfect but he didn't deserved that dare."

She patted on Blaze's head.

bsassan0378:"What meant by Blaze dare being messed up is him being dared to eat something that he is allergic to. Even I'm not that cruel to dare anyone to do anything that they could possibly be allergic to."

Blaze said:" It's alright. But now i have more time to prank somebody." Everybody looked at him unamused. "I was joking!" Blaze said:" I already stopped it. Actually i have enough time for take care of Bluestars. And have the duet with Robo-Dog on dancing." He saw Robo-Dog and ran towards him.
"Duet on dancing?" Everest and Marshall asked with suprise.

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