Cat Falcon and playing Pup Pup Boogie while naked

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Ryder read the new message.

He told his pups:"It's from Rescue Wolf." "Oh no!" Blaze shouted:" What did they dared now?" Ryder read:" I dare Falcon to use a litter box for both of his bathroom needs and I dare Ryder to play Pup Pup Boogie in just his underwear. Also truth for the adult male members besides Chase and Ryder have any of you ever had a crush on Skye?"

"Where we can get the litter box?" Falcon asked. "Katie has them," Ryder answered:"She has the cat in her job. Maybe she can lend it."

Cali, Katie's cat, didn't notice when Ryder took the litter box. She was in Katie's clinic. Katie's friend took care of her while Katie was in Lookout.

"Alright then," Ryder said as he put the litter box in front of Falcon. Falcon jumped in and used it for his needs. "What now?" Falcon asked as he walked out. "It's my turn now," Ryder said and team went upstairs. Ryder took his clothes off, leaving only his underwear and started the game.

He was good but then the game ordered to do the tailspin. "How do i do it?" Ryder asked and went on his back. The game now ordered next thing.

Young pups shuggled. Ryder was few steps behind and then he stopped the game. "Next thing!" he said. "What was the next thing?" Marshall asked.

"Does any one of you, expect Chase, had the crush on Skye?" "Actually," Marshall said:"Before i met Everest i thought i had." Rubble answered:" Nah, i'm too young to her." Rocky said:"I don't have a crush on her. And never was." Zuma stepped little back of Chase and said:"I had. There was times when i even dreamed of being with her. But then i met Mariam. And i felt like she was actually my love of life and not Skye."

Pups still giggled. "What's that funny?" Ryder asked. Justice whispered while she blushed:"You're still undressed."

Ryder gasped and ran out of the sight.

Paw Patrol next gen truth or dareWhere stories live. Discover now